New month, new opportunities! What are the predictions for the month of May 2023 for every sign of the zodiac? As you launch into May, look to the stars and learn how to win the month with surprising insights. Our expert astrologer shares her predictions on what to expect this month for every sign of the zodiac in her May 2023 monthly horoscopes.
Life and Love Monthly Horoscope for Each Zodiac Sign May 2023
What does the month of May 2023 have in store for you? Let’s look to the stars and see what surprising insights we can glean with the help of an expert astrologer. Expert astrologer Remy Ramirez shares her predictions on what to expect for each sign of the zodiac with life and love guidance this month in her May 2023 horoscopes.

Our expert astrologer shares predictions on what to expect in love and life in a monthly horoscope for every sign of the zodiac for May 2023.
1. TAURUS May 2023 Monthly Horoscope
Happy birthday, Taurus! As we roll into May, Mercury retrograde in your sign is already in full effect. This is bringing up core issues for you around your identity, vitality, and public image. Questions like: What do I really need? How do I want to be seen? and What makes me feel radiant? are excellent to ask yourself now. Taurus oversees money, self-worth, and personal values, so challenges, big emotions, or miscommunications in these areas may also arise. Moments from your past might surface as well during the first two weeks of the month, stirring up these questions. Mercury retrograde is a powerful time of reflection and course correction. Review these areas in your life to see where changes are needed—but don’t act just yet. On the 14th, Mercury will station direct, and you can start implementing your new ideas.
Taurus: an eclipse enters the picture
On the 5th, an eclipse in Scorpio marks the final chapter in an 18-month journey through the Scorpio/Taurus axis, in which we’ve been asked to (or forced to) let go, transform, and better understand our values and our worth. Think back on your life since 2021 to understand what this journey has been about for you. This final eclipse will light up your partnership sector (significant others, best friends, business partners, etc.), along with your house of identity (how you identify yourself), vitality/energy (what lights you up), and public image (how you show yourself to others).
Emotions must be expressed now; there’s an urgent, bursting energy with this eclipse, bringing something to its manifestation or potentially closing a door on a person or situation. Surprises are also a possibility in these areas of your life. It’s healthy to speak your truth, and it may be healthy to let this person or thing go—just make sure that you handle yourself in a way you’ll feel good about weeks later.
Taurus: impact of Venus
On May 7th, Venus enters Cancer and your house of communication, siblings, and neighbors, where it will stay just over a month. Cancer is a deeply emotional and nurturing sign, so you can expect some emotional, heartfelt conversations (potentially with siblings or neighbors). Venus also rules money, so if you have any communications projects (publishing, PR, etc.), now is the time to look for funding, raises, or other forms of financial support. May 12th and 13th are Venus’ best days, as she will sextile Mercury and then trine Saturn, giving you the opportunity to have conversations that build strong, loving foundations or else support your financial health for the long term (remember this when you’re setting up meetings).
Taurus: a new moon enters the picture
Pay attention around May 19th and 20th. A New Moon in Taurus is bringing more attention to your house of the self and the ego. About 24 hours after the New Moon is exact, Mars moves into Leo, and just 12 hours after that, Mars opposes Pluto, bringing ambition (the ruthless kind, potentially), eruptions of repressed anger, intense attractions, deep passion, and power struggles. That said, this New Moon contains a pattern that is incredibly helpful. It initiates a new chapter that, in the long run, sets you up to see an aspiration through to success—especially in your home and family sector.
Just ensure that, as this volatile energy plays out, you don’t allow the darker side of this energy to push you into an egoic battle. Mars, planet of ambition, drive, and anger, will stay in your home and family sector through the rest of May and all of June, so be prepared to get things done at home or with your loved ones, but be careful not to let irritations or resentments build. The 23rd is an excellent day for moving things forward in this area of your chart.
2. GEMINI May 2023 Monthly Horoscope
By the time we step into May, an emotional Mercury retrograde is already full steam ahead in your house of mental health, secrets, and subconscious awareness. As Mercury reverses course to make sure it hasn’t missed anything, you’d be wise to ask questions like: What feelings have I been avoiding or unaware of? How can I be a better ally to my own mental health? What do I hide from myself or others, and do I really want to keep those things hidden? Secrets may also be revealed to you now, and since hospitals and prisons also fall under this house, issues may arise here as well.
Gemini: challenges will arise
Taurus oversees money, self-worth, and personal values, so challenges or miscommunications in these areas may also arise. Mercury retrograde is a powerful time of reflection and course correction. Review these areas in your life to see where changes are needed. On the 14th, Mercury will station direct, and you can start making moves on your new realizations.
Gemini: an eclipse enters the picture
On the 5th, an eclipse in Scorpio marks the final chapter in an 18-month journey through the Scorpio/Taurus axis, in which we’ve been asked to (or forced to) let go, transform, and better understand our values and our worth. Think back on your life since 2021 to understand what this journey has been about for you. This final eclipse will light up your house of health, work, and daily routines (including chores and pets), along with your house of mental health and the subconscious.
The astrology is a bit intense—there’s an urgent need to express yourself, and you may feel like you’re bursting to get something off your chest (or someone may come at you with that energy). Surprises are also part of this astrology. Full moons mark endings, so this is a conversation that may also lead to a door closing (potentially by surprise). It’s healthy to speak your truth, and it may be healthy to let a person or situation go—the trick is to be respectful and to demand respect from others.
Gemini: impact of Venus
On May 7th, Venus, ruler of love and money, enters Cancer and your house of money, self-worth, and personal standards, where it will stay until June 5th. Venus is right at home in this house! Cancer is a deeply emotional and nurturing sign, so your relationships may feel more healing or intense during this transit. This is an excellent time to review your sense of self-worth in relationships, along with what you absolutely must have and what you definitely will not tolerate in your closest connections. Money is top of mind with this transit as well.
Opportunities for financial gain soar with Venus in your house of money, and while that may look like money rolling in, it may also look like finding a financial advisor, investing, or healing your emotional relationship to money. May 12th and 13th are Venus’ best days, as she will sextile Mercury and then trine Saturn, prompting conversations that build strong foundations in your relationships or finances (remember this when you’re setting up meetings).
Gemini: new moon enters the picture
Keep May 19th and 20th on your radar. A New Moon in Taurus is bringing more attention to your house of mental health, the subconscious, secrets, and prisons/hospitals. About 24 hours after the New Moon is exact, Mars moves into Leo, and just 12 hours after that, Mars opposes Pluto, bringing ambition (the ruthless kind, potentially), eruptions of repressed anger, intense attractions, deep passion, and power struggles. That said, this New Moon contains a pattern that is incredibly helpful. It initiates a new chapter that, in the long run, sets you up to see an aspiration through to success—especially in your house of siblings, neighbors, and communication (this includes personal conversations, but also writing, PR, and broadcasting projects).
Just ensure that, as this volatile energy plays out, you don’t allow the darker side of this energy to impact your mental health. Mars, planet of ambition, drive, and anger, will stay in your communication, siblings, and neighbors sector through the rest of May and all of June, so be prepared to get things done in these areas of your life, but be careful not to let irritations or resentments build. The 23rd is an excellent day for moving things forward in this area of your chart.
3. CANCER May 2023 Monthly Horoscope
May kicks off with an emotional Mercury already in full swing in your house of friends, community, the internet, audiences, and aspirations. This is a good time ask yourself: What changes need to be made in my friend groups? What’s amiss in my sense of community? Are my internet connections helping me or hurting me?
What dreams do I have for the future and will they actually nurture me? Taurus oversees money, self-worth, and personal values, so challenges or miscommunications in these areas may also arise, as well as within your friend groups. Friends from your past may resurface as well. Whatever shows up, Mercury retrograde is a powerful time of reflection and course correction. Review these areas in your life to see where changes are needed. On the 14th, Mercury will station direct, and you can start shifting.
Cancer: an eclipse enters the picture
On the 5th, an eclipse in Scorpio marks the final chapter in an 18-month journey through the Scorpio/Taurus axis, in which we’ve been asked to (or forced to) let go, transform, and better understand our values and our worth. Think back on your life since 2021 to understand what this journey has been about for you. This final eclipse will light up your house of passion, joy, and self-expression (this includes sex, true love, children, creativity, and fun/vacations), along with your house of friends and community.
This eclipse is stirring up an urgent need to express big emotions (or you could be on the receiving end of this). Surprise awarenesses, conversations, and needs are a possibility now. You may also have an unexpected sexual encounter with this eclipse. This Moon marks an ending, so don’t be surprised if a door closes, and remember that it’s healthy and good to express yourself—just make sure you don’t allow anger to get the best of you or anyone else (boundaries, my friend).
Cancer: impact of Venus
Venus enters Cancer and your house of the self (your identity, vitality, and public image) on the 7th, where it will stay until June 5th. This is a great time for haircuts, elective surgery, showing off new outfits, and shopping for beauty. (Although, since we’re in the thick of Mercury retrograde, make sure you’re very clear with others about what you’re asking for.)
This is also a time when you may feel more emotionally or materially generous with others, which is lovely, but be careful about the flip side, which is giving in order to be liked, to appease others, or to appear wealthy. May 12th and 13th are Venus’ best days, as she will sextile Mercury and then trine Saturn, giving you the opportunity to have conversations that build strong, loving foundations or else support your financial health for the long term (remember this when you’re setting up meetings).
Cancer: new moon enters the picture
The 19th and 20th are important days. A New Moon in Taurus is bringing more attention to your house of friends, community, and aspirations. About 24 hours after the New Moon is exact, Mars moves into Leo, and just 12 hours after that, Mars opposes Pluto, bringing ambition (the ruthless kind, potentially), eruptions of repressed anger, intense attractions, deep passion, and power struggles. That said, this New Moon contains a pattern that is incredibly helpful. It initiates a new chapter that, in the long run, sets you up to see an aspiration through to success—especially in your house of money/income, self-worth and personal values.
Just ensure that, as this volatile energy plays out, you don’t allow the darker side of this energy to impact your friendships or sense of community. Mars, planet of ambition, drive, and anger, will stay in your money/income, self-worth, and personal values sector through the rest of May and all of June, so be prepared to get things done in these areas of your life, but be careful not to let irritations or resentments build (even if they’re with yourself!). The 23rd is an excellent day for money and a boost of self-confidence.
4. LEO May 2023 Monthly Horoscope
As we enter May, an emotional Mercury retrograde is already halfway through its transit in your house of career and public standing. This is a great time to ask yourself: Is my career headed in the direction I want? Am I having the impact and leaving the legacy I truly want? Taurus oversees money, self-worth, and personal values, so challenges or miscommunications in these areas may also arise, as well as in your career. Professional acquaintances from your past may resurface as well. Whatever shows up, Mercury retrograde is a powerful time of reflection and course correction. Review these areas in your life to see where changes are needed. On the 14th, Mercury will station direct, and you can redirect as necessary.
Leo: an eclipse enters the picture
On the 5th, an eclipse in Scorpio marks the final chapter in an 18-month journey through the Scorpio/Taurus axis, in which we’ve been asked to (or forced to) let go, transform, and better understand our values and our worth. Think back on your life since 2021 to understand what this journey has been about for you. This final eclipse will light up your house of home and family, along with your house of career. There’s an urgency to this Moon. Emotions are big and they need to be expressed. There could also be surprise conversations. Full moons often close a door or bring an idea into action, so these are possibilities as well. This is great energy for moving forward, just ensure that you temper yourself and slow down so that you don’t have any regrets.
Leo: impact of Cancer
Venus, ruler of money and love, enters Cancer and your house of mental health, the subconscious, secrets, and hidden spaces (including hospitals and prisons) on May 7th, where it will stay until June 5th. Affairs or secret rendezvous are common with this transit. You might hide money now or others may hide it from you. Money may be spent on hospitalizations or a loved one may be jailed for some reason. But it’s more likely that your subconscious beliefs or needs in relationships or around finances will come to light during this time—ways you’ve pushed love or money away without meaning to, for example.
Working through these with a therapist will be highly valuable during this transit. May 12th and 13th are Venus’ best days, as she will sextile Mercury and then trine Saturn, giving you the opportunity to have conversations that build strong, loving foundations or else support your financial health for the long term (remember this when you’re setting up meetings).
Leo: new moon enters the picture
Keep your eye on the 19th and 20th. A New Moon in Taurus is bringing more attention to your career and public standing. About 24 hours after the New Moon is exact, Mars moves into Leo, and just 12 hours after that, Mars opposes Pluto, bringing ambition (the ruthless kind, potentially), eruptions of repressed anger, intense attractions, deep passion, and power struggles. That said, this New Moon contains a pattern that is incredibly helpful. It initiates a new chapter that, in the long run, sets you up to see an aspiration through to success—especially in your house of identity (what labels you take on), ego, vitality (what energizes you), and public image (how you show yourself to others).
Just ensure that, as this volatile energy plays out, you don’t allow egoic battles to impact your career or relationship with the public. Mars, planet of ambition, drive, and anger, will stay in your identity, vitality, and public image sector through the rest of May and all of June, so be prepared to feel seen and energized,but be careful not to let irritations or resentments build (even if they’re with yourself!). The 23rd is an excellent day to get your way and stand in the spotlight.
5. VIRGO May 2023 Monthly Horoscope
An emotional Mercury retrograde is just past its halfway point as we move into May. For you, Virgo, this is lighting up your 9th house of long-distance travel/overseas acquaintances, publishing/broadcasting, higher education, and spirituality. This is the perfect time to ask yourself: What message do I want to send out to the world and how? What part of the world would I be excited to see? Do I want to go to school to study something I love? What are my beliefs and are they nurturing me?
Taurus oversees money, self-worth, and personal values, so challenges or miscommunications in these areas may also arise, as well as in any of the areas mentioned above. Another possible pitfall: Travel is not advisable during this time. Mercury retrograde is a powerful time of reflection and course correction. Review these areas in your life to see where changes are needed. On the 14th, Mercury will station direct, and you can take new action wherever needed.
Virgo: an eclipse enters the picture
On the 5th, an eclipse in Scorpio marks the final chapter in an 18-month journey through the Scorpio/Taurus axis, in which we’ve been asked to (or forced to) let go, transform, and better understand our values and our worth. Think back on your life since 2021 to understand what this journey has been about for you. This final eclipse will light up your house of communication (both personal and professional—including PR, publishing, and broadcasting), siblings, and neighbors, along with long-distance travel, publishing/broadcasting, higher education, and your belief system. There’s an urgent, bursting need to express and be heard with this moon. There’s also potential for surprises, manifestation, and doors closing. With such intense, even combustible energy, just make sure that you handle yourself in a way you’ll feel good about the next day.
Virgo: impact of Cancer
On May 7th, Venus, ruler of love and money, enters Cancer and your house of friends, community, the internet, and aspirations, where it will stay until June 5th. This is a great time for a friend to set you up on a date, to get on a dating app, to spend time with friends, or to build community. It’s also a great time for friends to help you with financial issues (by referring you to a job or recommending a financial advisor, for example). Joining clubs or organizations is very auspicious during this transit as well.
If you’ve been holding a dream close to you—whether to fall in love, get married, find a close friend, or see numbers jumping in your bank account, make moves in that direction between the 7th and June 5th. May 12th and 13th are Venus’ best days, as she will sextile Mercury and then trine Saturn, prompting conversations that build strong foundations in your relationships or finances (remember this when you’re setting up meetings).
Virgo: new moon enters the picture
The 19th and 20th are very important days. A New Moon in Taurus is bringing more attention to your 9th house (described at the top of your horoscope). About 24 hours after the New Moon is exact, Mars moves into Leo, and just 12 hours after that, Mars opposes Pluto, bringing ambition (the ruthless kind, potentially), eruptions of repressed anger, intense attractions, deep passion, and power struggles. That said, this New Moon contains a pattern that is incredibly helpful. It initiates a new chapter that, in the long run, sets you up to see an aspiration through to success—especially in your house of mental health.
Just ensure that, as this volatile energy plays out, you don’t allow egoic battles to impact your belief systems, connections to the world at large, or ability to feel free. Mars, planet of ambition, drive, and anger, will stay in your mental health sector through the rest of May and all of June, so be prepared to make strides here, but be warned that irritations and resentments may emerge from your subconscious. The 23rd is an excellent day to for insights into your mental health journey.
6. LIBRA May 2023 Monthly Horoscope
As we enter May, you’re likely already feeling the impact of an emotional Mercury retrograde, which has been lighting up your house of sexuality, loss, deep transformation, and shared resources (loans, taxes, inheritances, etc.) since April. This is a powerful time to ask yourself: What is it time to let go of? What deep shifts are needed inside myself or in my relationships? Is my sexuality nurturing me? Is it nurturing others? Taurus oversees money, self-worth, and personal values, so challenges or miscommunications in these areas may also arise, as well as in any of the areas mentioned above.
Alternatively, a sexual partner from your past may resurface, or you may reach out to a previous partner to make amends or clear the air. Mercury retrograde is a powerful time of reflection and course correction. Review these areas in your life to see where changes are needed—but don’t act just yet. On the 14th, Mercury will station direct, and you can move forward.
Libra: an eclipse enters the picture
On the 5th, an eclipse in Scorpio marks the final chapter in an 18-month journey through the Scorpio/Taurus axis, in which we’ve been asked to (or forced to) let go, transform, and better understand our values and our worth. Think back on your life since 2021 to understand what this journey has been about for you.
This final eclipse will light up your house of money/income, self-worth, and personal standards, along with your house of loss, sexuality, transformation, and shared resources. The astrology of this eclipse feels a bit like a powder keg: There’s something that’s been dying to be expressed, and it’s finally time to get it off your chest. Surprises, manifestation, and endings are also possible with this Moon, as is an unexpected sexual encounter. In all this intensity, remember that it’s perfectly healthy to express your truth, just make sure you do it in a way that’s respectful so that you have no regrets.
Libra: impact of Cancer
On May 7th, planet of love and money, Venus, enters Cancer and your house of career and public standing, where it will stay until June 5th. It’s easier to make money doing what you love during this time, so put energy in that direction. You may also feel more beloved by the public now, or your finances may become a public issue in some way. If you have any creative projects you’re excited about, now is the time to bring them into your career-sphere, rather than relegate them to the periphery as side projects. You might also find a romantic partner or best friend through your career during this transit. May 12th and 13th are Venus’ best days, as she will sextile Mercury and then trine Saturn, prompting conversations that build strong foundations in your relationships or finances (remember this when you’re setting up meetings).
Libra: new moon enters the picture
Star the 19th and 20th in your calendar. A New Moon in Taurus is bringing more attention to your house of sexuality, loss, transformation, and shared resources. About 24 hours after the New Moon is exact, Mars moves into Leo, and just 12 hours after that, Mars opposes Pluto, bringing ambition (the ruthless kind, potentially), eruptions of repressed anger, intense attractions, deep passion, and power struggles. That said, this New Moon contains a pattern that is incredibly helpful. It initiates a new chapter that, in the long run, sets you up to see an aspiration through to success—especially in your house of friends, community, the internet, and hopes/dreams.
Libra: impact of Mars
Just ensure that, as this volatile energy plays out, you don’t allow egoic battles to impact your sexual relationships, losses, or shared resources. Mars, planet of ambition, drive, and anger, will stay in your friends and community sector through the rest of May and all of June, so be prepared to make strides here (or have a sexual/transformative encounter with a friend, potentially), but be careful of irritations and resentments building. The 23rd is a very lucky day for you with friends, community, and aspirations.
7. SCORPIO May 2023 Monthly Horoscope
As we roll into May, an emotional Mercury retrograde is already in full effect. This is bringing up issues for you in your partnerships (significant others, best friends, business partners, therapists, etc.). This is a good time to ask yourself: What do I really want in a partnership? Are my needs being met in my partnerships now? Do I need to make changes to strengthen our connection? Do I need to let any partnerships go? Taurus oversees money, self-worth, and personal values, so challenges or miscommunications in these areas may also arise, as well as in your one-on-one relationships.
Alternatively, a partner from your past may resurface, or you may reach out to a previous partner to make amends or clear the air. Mercury retrograde is a powerful time of reflection and course correction. Review these areas in your life to see where changes are needed—but don’t act just yet. On the 14th, Mercury will station direct, and you can start to implement changes based on your new understanding.
Scorpio: an eclipse enters the picture
On the 5th, an eclipse in Scorpio marks the final chapter in an 18-month journey through the Scorpio/Taurus axis, in which we’ve been asked to (or forced to) let go, transform, and better understand our values and our worth. Think back on your life since 2021 to understand what this journey has been about for you. This final eclipse will light up your house of identity (how you identify), vitality (what energizes you), and public image (what you show to others), along with your house of partnership.
Emotions must be expressed now; there’s an urgent, bursting energy with this eclipse bringing something to a fever pitch, allowing manifestation, or potentially closing a door on a person or situation. Surprises are also a possibility. Speak your truth, but make sure you temper this urgency with a measured approach to minimize drama.
Scorpio: impact of Venus
On May 7th, the ruler of love and money, Venus, enters Cancer and your 9th house, where it will stay until June 5th. The 9th house oversees international relations, long-distance travel, publishing/broadcasting, higher education, and your belief system. From an energetic standpoint, this house is about expanding, becoming free, and broadening your horizons. You might strike up a romance with someone from another country or culture, or team up professionally with an international company.
If you’re a writer or podcaster, money can be made from your work now. Devoting yourself to schooling is favored during this transit, as is reframing your beliefs about love or money. In the big picture, this is about expanding your capacity to love and looking beyond self-imposed limitations to find love and money. It’s about going big in matters of the heart and in your quest for wealth. May 12th and 13th are Venus’ best days, as she will sextile Mercury and then trine Saturn, prompting conversations that build strong foundations in your relationships or finances (remember this when you’re setting up meetings).
Scorpio: new moon enters the picture
Pay attention around May 19th and 20th. A New Moon in Taurus is bringing more attention to your house of partnerships. About 24 hours after the New Moon is exact, Mars moves into Leo, and just 12 hours after that, Mars opposes Pluto, bringing ambition (the ruthless kind, potentially), eruptions of repressed anger, intense attractions, deep passion, and power struggles. That said, this New Moon contains a pattern that is incredibly helpful. It initiates a new chapter that, in the long run, sets you up to see an aspiration through to success—especially in your career and public standing (how the outside world views you).
Just ensure that, as this volatile energy plays out, you don’t allow the darker side of this energy to push you into a power struggle with a partner or former partner. Mars, planet of ambition, drive, and anger, will stay in your career sector through the rest of May and all of June, so be prepared for a surge of ambition here, but be careful not to let irritations or resentments build. The 23rd is an excellent day for moving things forward in this area of your chart.
8. SAGITTARIUS May 2023 Monthly Horoscope
By the time we step into May, an emotional Mercury retrograde is already full steam ahead in your house of work, health, daily routines (including pets). Use this time to ask yourself: What changes to my health regimen would benefit me? What do I want my daily life to look like and how can I make those changes? How can my work bring me greater joy?
Taurus oversees money, self-worth, and personal values, so challenges or miscommunications in these areas may also arise, as well as in the areas mentioned above (health, etc.). Mercury retrograde is a powerful time of reflection and course correction. Review these areas in your life to see where changes are needed—but don’t act just yet. On the 14th, Mercury will station direct, and you can start to take steps forward.
Sagittarius: an eclipse enters the picture
On the 5th, an eclipse in Scorpio marks the final chapter in an 18-month journey through the Scorpio/Taurus axis, in which we’ve been asked to (or forced to) let go, transform, and better understand our values and our worth. Think back on your life since 2021 to understand what this journey has been about for you. This final eclipse will light up your house of hospitals/prisons, mental health, the subconscious, and secrets, along with your house of health, work, and daily routines.
The astrology is a bit intense—there’s an urgent need to express yourself, and you may feel like you’re bursting to get something off your chest (or someone may come at you with that energy). Surprises are also part of this astrology, as is the potential for manifestation. Full moons mark endings, so this is a conversation that may also lead to a door closing (potentially by surprise). It’s healthy to speak your truth, and it may be healthy to let a person or situation go—the trick is to be respectful and to demand respect from others.
Sagittarius: impact of Venus
The ruler of love and money, Venus, enters Cancer and your 8th house on May 7th, where it will stay until June 5th. The 8th house oversees sexuality, endings/loss, deep inner transformation, and shared resources (like inheritances, loans, taxes, etc.). You may connect with a sweet and affectionate sexual partner during this time, a relationship or money source may end, or you may go deep in healing your money or relationship trauma.
This would also be an excellent time to seek a loan, find ways to increase your tax return, or talk over shared finances with your partner or roommates. May 12th and 13th are Venus’ best days, as she will sextile Mercury and then trine Saturn, prompting conversations that build strong foundations in your relationships or finances (remember this when you’re setting up meetings or conversations).
Sagittarius: new moon enters the picture
Keep May 19th and 20th on your radar. A New Moon in Taurus is bringing more attention to your house of work, health, daily routines. About 24 hours after the New Moon is exact, Mars moves into Leo, and just 12 hours after that, Mars opposes Pluto, bringing ambition (the ruthless kind, potentially), eruptions of repressed anger, intense attractions, deep passion, and power struggles. That said, this New Moon contains a pattern that is incredibly helpful. It initiates a new chapter that, in the long run, sets you up to see an aspiration through to success—especially in your 9th house of publishing and broadcasting, long-distance travel, international relationships, higher education, and belief systems.
Just ensure that, as this volatile energy plays out, you don’t allow the darker side of this energy to impact your work, health, or day-to-day life. Mars, planet of ambition, drive, and anger, will stay in your 9th house through the rest of May and all of June, so be prepared to get things done in these areas of your life, but be careful not to let irritations or resentments build. On the 23rd, Mars will square Jupiter, which is a toss up for you. On the one hand, it brings lots of energy, drive, and sexual prowess. But since Jupiter is your planetary ruler, for you, it could also feel like Mars’ propensity for anger is being misdirected toward you, or that it’s draining your energy. Either way, star this as a day to keep an eye on.
9. CAPRICORN May 2023 Monthly Horoscope
May kicks off with an emotional Mercury already in full swing in your house of children, passionate love, sex, fun, and self-expression. This is a good time to ask yourself: How can I bring more passion or love into my life? How can I create more play? What’s missing in my sex life? How can I express myself better or meet my children’s needs? Taurus oversees money, self-worth, and personal values, so challenges or miscommunications in these areas may also arise, as well as in any of the areas mentioned above (children, etc.).
Some pitfalls here: This isn’t a great time for you to take a vacation. With this fiery house, you also need to be careful that you don’t say things you live to regret or burn everything to the ground in a fit of passion. Mercury retrograde is a powerful time to review what needs changing. Reflect on these areas in your life to see where shifts are needed—but don’t act just yet. On the 14th, Mercury will station direct, and you can start to make your move.
Capricorn: an eclipse enters the picture
On the 5th, an eclipse in Scorpio marks the final chapter in an 18-month journey through the Scorpio/Taurus axis, in which we’ve been asked to (or forced to) let go, transform, and better understand our values and our worth. Think back on your life since 2021 to understand what this journey has been about for you. This final eclipse will light up your house of friends, community, the internet, and hopes/dreams, and with your house of passion, joy, and self-expression (this includes sex, true love, children, creativity, and fun/vacations).
This eclipse is stirring up an urgent need to express big emotions (you could also be on the receiving end of this). Surprise awarenesses, conversations, needs, and manifestation are a possibility now. You may also have an unexpected sexual encounter with this eclipse. This Moon marks an ending, so don’t be surprised if a door closes, and remember that it’s healthy and good to express yourself—just make sure you don’t allow anger to get the best of you or anyone else (boundaries, my friend).
Capricorn: impact of Venus
The ruler of love and money, Venus, enters Cancer and your house of partnerships (significant others, best friends, business partners, etc.) on May 7th, where it will stay until June 5th. If you’re in a relationship, this period will bring affection and intimacy. If you’re looking for a serious partner or a close friend, this is an excellent time to throw your hat in the ring or to say yes to incoming offers and see how it feels.
Alternatively, your partner may also come into some money during this time, or the two of you may work through finances together. If you own a business, this is a great time to think about increasing your profits. May 12th and 13th are Venus’ best days, as she will sextile Mercury and then trine Saturn, prompting conversations that build strong foundations in your relationships or finances (remember this when you’re setting up meetings or conversations).
Capricorn: new moon enters the picture
The 19th and 20th are important days. A New Moon in Taurus is bringing more attention to your house of children, passionate love, sex, fun, and self-expression. About 24 hours after the New Moon is exact, Mars moves into Leo, and just 12 hours after that, Mars opposes Pluto, bringing ambition (the ruthless kind, potentially), eruptions of repressed anger, intense attractions, deep passion, and power struggles. That said, this New Moon contains a pattern that is incredibly helpful. It initiates a new chapter that, in the long run, sets you up to see an aspiration through to success—especially in your house of sexuality, transformation, deep shedding, and shared resources sector.
So for example, you might let go of something that’s been holding you back, get the loan you need, or have a transformative insight. Just ensure that, as this volatile energy plays out, you don’t allow the darker side of this energy to push you into a power struggle with your children, sense of joy, or self-expression. Mars, planet of ambition, drive, and anger, will stay in your sexuality, transformation, deep shedding, and shared resources sector through the rest of May and all of June, so be prepared for sexual encounters or feelings, deep change, letting go, or making strides in shared resources, but be careful not to let irritations or resentments build in these areas. The 23rd is an excellent day for moving things forward in this area of your chart.
10. AQUARIUS May 2023 Monthly Horoscope
As we enter May, an emotional Mercury retrograde is already halfway through its transit in your house of home and family. Make use of this transit by asking yourself: What changes would I like to make to my home? Do I love where I live? How can I have a healthier relationship to my family? Do I want to grow my family or create chosen family? Taurus oversees money, self-worth, and personal values, so challenges or miscommunications in these areas may also arise, as well as in your home or family. Mercury retrograde is a powerful time to review what needs changing. Reflect on these areas in your life to see where changes are needed—but don’t act just yet. On the 14th, Mercury will station direct, and you can start down a new path.
Aquarius: an eclipse enters the picture
On the 5th, an eclipse in Scorpio marks the final chapter in an 18-month journey through the Scorpio/Taurus axis, in which we’ve been asked to (or forced to) let go, transform, and better understand our values and our worth. Think back on your life since 2021 to understand what this journey has been about for you. This final eclipse will light up your house of career and public standing, along with your house of home and family.
There’s an urgency to this Moon. Emotions are big and they need to be expressed. There could also be surprise conversations. Full moons often close a door or bring an idea into action, so these are possibilities as well. This is great energy for moving forward, just ensure that you temper yourself and slow down so you don’t have any regrets.
Aquarius: impact of Venus
The ruler of love and money, Venus, enters Cancer and your house of work, health, and daily routines (including pets) on May 7th, where it will stay until June 5th. You might spark up a romance or fun friendship with someone from the office, get a raise or find a higher paying job, spend money on your health needs (or make money in the health industry), or fall in love with a new pet. Sharing creative ideas at work is also favored during this transit (so pitch those ideas!). May 12th and 13th are Venus’ best days, as she will sextile Mercury and then trine Saturn, prompting conversations that build strong foundations in your relationships or finances (remember this when you’re setting up meetings or conversations).
Aquarius: new moon enters the picture
Keep your eye on the 19th and 20th. A New Moon in Taurus is bringing more attention to your home and family. About 24 hours after the New Moon is exact, Mars moves into Leo, and just 12 hours after that, Mars opposes Pluto, bringing ambition (the ruthless kind, potentially), eruptions of repressed anger, intense attractions, deep passion, and power struggles.
That said, this New Moon contains a pattern that is incredibly helpful. It initiates a new chapter that, in the long run, sets you up to see an aspiration through to success—especially in your house of partnerships (significant others, business partners, best friends, etc.). Just ensure that, as this volatile energy plays out, you don’t allow a darker energy to impact your home and family. Mars, planet of ambition, drive, and anger, will stay in your partnerships sector through the rest of May and all of June, so be prepared to make strides in these close relationships, but be careful not to let irritations or resentments build!). The 23rd is an excellent day to make headway with your partners.
11. PISCES May 2023 Monthly Horoscope
An emotional Mercury retrograde is just past its halfway point as we move into May. For you, Pisces, this is lighting up your house of communication (including publishing, PR, or broadcasting projects), siblings, and neighbors. This is a good time to ask yourself: How can I communicate better? Have I been lovingly speaking my truth? What communication projects would I like to put out into the world and how can I do it? How can I improve my relationship with my neighbors? What issues can I better address or let go of with my siblings?
Taurus oversees money, self-worth, and personal values, so challenges or miscommunications in these areas may also arise, as well as in the areas mentioned above (this is doubly true for you since Mercury rules communication, and it’s in your house of communication). Mercury retrograde is a powerful time to review what needs changing. Reflect on these areas in your life to see where shifts are needed—but don’t act just yet. On the 14th, Mercury will station direct, and you can take new action based on your insights.
Pisces: an eclipse enters the picture
On the 5th, an eclipse in Scorpio marks the final chapter in an 18-month journey through the Scorpio/Taurus axis, in which we’ve been asked to (or forced to) let go, transform, and better understand our values and our worth. Think back on your life since 2021 to understand what this journey has been about for you.
This final eclipse will light up your house of long-distance travel/international relations, publishing/broadcasting, higher education, and your belief system, along with your house of communication, siblings, and neighbors. There’s an urgent, bursting need to express and be heard with this moon. There’s also potential for surprises, manifestation, and doors closing. With such intense, even combustible energy, just make sure that you handle yourself in a way you’ll feel good about later down the road.
Pisces: impact of Venus
On May 7th, Venus, ruler of love and money, enters Cancer and your house of joy, passion, and play, where it will stay till June 5th. This house oversees children, romance/sex, true love, self-expression, and fun (vacations, etc.). This is an excellent time to tell someone just how passionately you feel for them, to spend time with children, to unite with a love interest, to make profits from your creative work, or to take a vacation with loved ones.
You might also spend this transit sorting through your heart’s true desires (hint: since we’re in Mercury retrograde, this may involve people from your past). May 12th and 13th are Venus’ best days, as she will sextile Mercury and then trine Saturn, giving you the opportunity to have conversations that build strong, loving foundations or else support your financial health for the long term (remember this when you’re setting up meetings and conversations).
Pisces: new moon enters the picture
The 19th and 20th are very important days. A New Moon in Taurus is bringing more attention to your house of communication, siblings, and neighbors. About 24 hours after the New Moon is exact, Mars moves into Leo, and just 12 hours after that, Mars opposes Pluto, bringing ambition (the ruthless kind, potentially), eruptions of repressed anger, intense attractions, deep passion, and power struggles. That said, this New Moon contains a pattern that is incredibly helpful. It initiates a new chapter that, in the long run, sets you up to see an aspiration through to success—especially in your house of work, health, and daily routines (this includes pets).
Just ensure that, as this volatile energy plays out, you don’t allow the darker side of this astrology to impact your communication with others, or your relationship to siblings or neighbors. Mars, planet of ambition, drive, and anger, will stay in your work, health, and daily routines sector through the rest of May and all of June, so be prepared to make strides here, but be careful of irritations and resentments. On the 23rd, Mars will square Jupiter, which is a toss up for you. On the one hand, it brings lots of energy and ambition to your work and health sector. But since Jupiter is your planetary ruler, for you, it could also feel like Mars’ propensity for anger is being misdirected toward you, or that it’s draining your energy. Either way, star this as a day to keep an eye on.
12. ARIES May 2023 Monthly Horoscope
As we enter May, you’re likely already feeling the impact of an emotional Mercury retrograde, which has been lighting up your house of income, self-worth, and personal values since April. This is a great time to ask yourself: What kind of relationship do I have to money and how can I improve it? Do I have a strong sense of self-worth and if not, what stands in the way? What kinds of standards to I have for myself, my work, my home, and my relationships?
]Challenges or miscommunications in these areas may also arise Mercury retrograde is a powerful time to review what needs changing. Reflect on these areas in your life to see where shifts are needed—but don’t act just yet. On the 14th, Mercury will station direct, and you can make the necessary changes.
Aries: an eclipse enters the picture
On the 5th, an eclipse in Scorpio marks the final chapter in an 18-month journey through the Scorpio/Taurus axis, in which we’ve been asked to (or forced to) let go, transform, and better understand our values and our worth. Think back on your life since 2021 to understand what this journey has been about for you. This final eclipse will light up your house of loss, sexuality, transformation, and shared resources (loans, taxes, inheritances, etc.), along with your house of money/income, self-worth, and personal standards.
The astrology of this eclipse feels a bit like a powder keg: There’s something that’s been dying to be expressed, and it’s finally time to get it off your chest. Surprises, manifestation, and endings are also possible with this Moon, as is an unexpected sexual encounter. In all this intensity, remember that it’s perfectly healthy to express your truth or try to get your needs met, just make sure you do it in a way that’s respectful so you don’t walk away regretful.
Aries: impact of Venus
On May 7th, Venus, ruler of love and money, enters Cancer and your house of home and family, where it will stay until June 5th. This is the perfect time to beautify or remodel your home or spend quality time with family. You may also need to sort through your feelings when it comes to the meaning of “home” or to your relationships with family members. (With Mercury retrograde in full swing, this transit may also involve sorting through childhood memories so that you can heal.)
Overall, this is a gorgeous time to put roots down and create a sense of home for yourself, regardless of the variables. May 12th and 13th are Venus’ best days, as she will sextile Mercury and then trine Saturn, giving you the opportunity to have conversations that build strong, loving foundations or else support your financial health for the long term (remember this, should any important conversations be needed).
Aries: new moon enters the picture
Star the 19th and 20th in your calendar. A New Moon in Taurus is bringing more attention to your house of income, self-worth, and personal values. About 24 hours after the New Moon is exact, Mars moves into Leo, and just 12 hours after that, Mars opposes Pluto, bringing ambition (the ruthless kind, potentially), eruptions of repressed anger, intense attractions, deep passion, and power struggles. That said, this New Moon contains a pattern that is incredibly helpful. It initiates a new chapter that, in the long run, sets you up to see an aspiration through to success—especially in your house of children, true passions, self-expression, and fun (vacation, etc.).
Just ensure that, as this volatile energy plays out, you don’t allow the darker side of this astrology to impact your money, sense of self-worth, or your standards for yourself. Mars, planet of ambition, drive, and anger, will stay in your children, true passions, self-expression, and fun sector through the rest of May and all of June, so be prepared to make strides here), but be careful of irritations and resentments building. The 23rd is a very lucky day for you express yourself freely, play, fall in love, or spend time with children.
May 2023 Monthly Horoscope for every sign of the zodiac
That’s what our expert astrologer has to say about the monthly horoscope and what to expect in May 2023 for every sign of the zodiac. Whatever is on the way, we wish you a good, healthy, happy and safe month ahead, dear reader.