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Looking for Earth Day 2023 events to help make an impact in your community and support sustainability, conservation and the environment? We’ve rounded up some ideas to share. Join others around the world and celebrate Earth Day 2023 with any one of these 12 fun and creative activities perfect for kids and adults.

what are the best activities to celebrate Earth Day 2023?

While our planet of course deserves our love and appreciation year-round, spring is the time it really shines. Flowers in bloom. Green leaves. Time outside with friends. We know we are so lucky to live here. And that’s one of the many reasons we are looking forward to April 22nd – Earth Day.

Our earth does so much for us every day, and most of the time it goes unnoticed. We are glad that we are able to take this opportunity to express our gratitude, and to give back to our beautiful planet.

Here are twelve ideas of how to do that this year. No matter how much time you have available, we have an option that should work for you. Whether you want to fight climate change, volunteer in your community, or simply immerse yourself in the natural world, this is your chance.

12 Fun and Creative Ways to Celebrate Earth Day 2023

1. Volunteer

Earth Day is one of the world’s biggest volunteer events, and it is easy to get involved. If you don’t know of any local opportunities, simply sign up through, and they will connect you with resources in your area. This could mean finding you an activity or organization in your neighborhood, or showing you some virtual ways help. Specify what you’d like to do, and will do the rest. Every person can make a difference, and this year that person could be you.

celebrate Earth Day 2022 with any one of these 12 fun and creative activities perfect for kids and adults.

Celebrate Earth Day 2023 with any one of these 12 best fun and creative activities perfect for kids and adults.

2. Join a Cleanup

One way you can help is by joining a cleanup in your area – or even starting your own. This doesn’t have to be limited to Earth Day, but the holiday is a great reason to get started. Your cleanup doesn’t have to be strenuous or cover a lot of ground; even thirty minutes picking up trash in your area has a greater impact than you might think. What our earth needs now is our attention, and a little goes a long way.

Celebrate Earth Day 2022 with any one of these 12 best fun and creative activities perfect for kids and adults.

Celebrate Earth Day 2023 with any one of these 12 best fun and creative activities perfect for kids and adults.

3. Attend an Earth Day Event

EarthDay.Org is back to hosting in-person Earth Day eventsall over the world – with virtual options still available for those who can’t attend. These events range from screenings and lectures, to kite-flying and festivals, so you should be able to find a match for every interest and age group. The theme for this year’s festivities is “Invest in Our Planet,” and that’s exactly what we want to do.

creative and fun activities to celebrate Earth Day with kids

Celebrate Earth Day 2023 with any one of these 12 best fun and creative activities perfect for kids and adults.

4. Use Sustainable Products

We love our planet, and we want to make sure we are doing our part to keep it healthy. That’s why we are committed to using sustainable products wherever possible.  Many of these are small, easy swaps, and all of them will help you to help the planet – without you even having to think about it. Earth Day is the perfect time to take stock of the places in your life where you could be more sustainable, and make these little adjustments.

The best and most creative ways to sustainably celebrate Earth Day 2021.

The best and most creative ways to sustainably celebrate Earth Day 2023.

5. Take a Hike or Visit a National Park

There are 63 national parks in the United States, which means that there may be one near to where you live. Check out this helpful map, and make a plan to visit this Earth Day. There is no better day to simply enjoy the natural world we live in.

The best and most creative ways to sustainably celebrate Earth Day 2022.

6. Watch “David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet”

If you have less than 90 minutes to celebrate this Earth Day, why not watch a great documentary? Released in 2020, Attenborough’s latest film is all about the current climate crisis. He looks into the future, laying out a possible timeline of what will happen if humans’ behavior goes unchanged.

But the film is not all bad news – Attenborough also shows the things we are able to do to combat climate change before it’s too late. He calls the film a “witness statement,” and watching it would be a great thing to do this year. Now streaming on Netflix.

The best and most creative ways to sustainably celebrate Earth Day 2023.

7. Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

If you do nothing else this Earth Day, why not take a few minutes to calculate your carbon footprint? Any change has to start with knowledge, and this is the place to start. By entering your zip code, and putting in some information about your daily routines, you can learn a lot about your own personal impact on the environment.  And who knows, it may inspire you to make some adjustments.

The best and most creative ways to sustainably celebrate Earth Day 2023.

8. Buy a Plant or Plant a Tree

One way to connect to mother nature is to exercise your green thumb. If you have a lot of outdoor space, that could mean planting a tree this year. But if not, how about taking home a beautiful plant? They will brighten up your living space, and will help the environment too. We recommend Plantshed, which offers manageably-sized houseplants in addition to their stunning flower arrangements.

The best and most creative Earth Day events to sustainably celebrate this year.

9. Read About Climate Change

We know it’s a scary topic, but it’s essential to stay up-to-date on the latest news about climate change. If the IPCC report feels overwhelming, you could spend the 22nd reading something that is a little easier to digest. For instance, Mark A. Maslin’s How to Save the Planet. There are many excellent and informative books about climate change, but we appreciate the way this one also functions as a handbook. It will tell you everything you need to know, and everything you need to do.

The best and most creative Earth Day events to sustainably celebrate this year.

10. Make A Vegetarian or Vegan Meal (Or Consider Going Vegetarian or Vegan)

They’ve been telling us for years: the less meat we eat, the better it is for the planet. And now that there are such delicious meat substitutes available, we really have no excuse. Even if you don’t want to cut meat completely out of your diet (we get it!), maybe this is the time to consider cutting back. At least for Earth Day. If you do nothing else, commit to eating three meatless meals on April 22nd. Lucky for us, The New York Times has plenty of recipes.

The best and most creative Earth Day events to sustainably celebrate this year.

11. Visit a Farmers Market

Farmers Markets are a wonderful way to support your area’s local agriculture. This April 22nd, search through the national directory to find one in your neighborhood, and plan to make a Friday trip. It’s fun for the whole family, and there’s nothing like fresh produce. And you can feel proud of the fact that you’re eating sustainably.  It’s a win-win.

The best and most creative Earth Day events to sustainably celebrate this year.

12. Subscribe to National Geographic

If you aren’t already subscribed to National Geographic, this is the perfect day to sign up (perhaps for the digital edition – help reduce your carbon footprint even further). With a subscription, you’ll be able to participate in essential immersive activities, such as Seeing How Climate Change Will Affect Your City By 2070. You’ll also have access to endless content – some beautiful, some difficult – about our planet, its history, and its future. Sign up today, and commit to being a better-informed citizen of earth in 2022.

Celebrate Earth Day 2022 with any one of these 12 best fun and creative activities perfect for kids and adults.

Celebrate Earth Day 2022 with any one of these 12 best fun and creative activities perfect for kids and adults.

best creative and fun activities to celebrate Earth Day this year

That’s our take on 12 of the best and most creative ways to sustainably celebrate Earth Day, either with a virtual or in-person presence, on Thursday, April 22, 2023. What are you going to do to celebrate this year, dear reader? Happy Earth Day.

Abbie Martin Greenbaum

Abbie Martin Greenbaum is a writer, reader, and pop culture connoisseur, who loves storytelling, coffee, and dessert. Her work has also appeared in Playbill.