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New month, new opportunities!  What are the predictions for the month of June 2023 for every sign of the zodiac? As you launch into June, look to the stars and learn how to win the month with surprising insights. Our expert astrologer shares her predictions on what to expect this month for every sign of the zodiac in her June 2023 monthly horoscopes.

Life and Love Monthly Horoscope for Each Zodiac Sign June 2023

What does the month of June 2023 have in store for you? Let’s look to the stars and see what surprising insights we can glean with the help of an expert astrologer. Expert astrologer Remy Ramirez shares her predictions on what to expect for each sign of the zodiac with life and love guidance this month in her June 2023 horoscopes.

1. Gemini June 2023 Monthly Horoscope

Happy birthday, Gemini! June kicks off with a beautiful Sagittarius Full Moon in your house of partnerships (best friends, significant others, business partners, etc.), on June 3rd. The astrology of this moon is packed with forward motion. Mars will help us move in the direction of our desires in a way that builds our confidence, vitality, and ambition. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune will team up to bring in love, spirituality, and creativity. Jupiter is the ruler of this Moon, and she will align with the North Node to help us move forward toward abundance, healing, and expanded horizons. All the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be impacted most by this Moon, but especially if you have personal planets or points between 9 and 17 degrees in any of these signs.

Gemini: impact of the full moon

There are a couple potential pitfalls with this Moon. The first: Jupiter will square Venus, bringing the potential for excessive spending or an over-emphasis on wealth or beauty. Putting too much emphasis on relationships could also trip you up (especially because this Moon is in your house of partnerships). The second: Mercury will conjunct Uranus, so conversations might be shocking, or you might blurt something out without thinking your words through first. The good news here is that Jupiter and Saturn will technically be sextile (an aspect that goes exact on June 19th, so mark that day on your cal)—and this connection will help temper wild energies, create strong foundations, and set you up for surprises that lead to productive action.

This is a Moon imbued with the light of love. Around June 3rd and in the two weeks that follow, look for breakthroughs in your partnerships; if you see an opportunity to move toward a dream you’ve held dear in this area of your life, take a measured risk and see what possibilities blossom.

Gemini: impact of Venus

Just two days later on the 5th, Venus enters Leo and your house of communication, siblings, and neighbors, where it will stay for months due to a Venus retrograde that starts in July. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and wealth. She values affection, while Leo values attention, loyalty, and generosity. Be open to expressions of love that are open-hearted, warm, sincere, and brave—potentially with siblings or neighbors, but also just generally. This is a beautiful time to let go of any façade and tell people how deeply you truly care. Venus also oversees money, so communication projects will be particularly profitable during this month before the Venus retrograde cycle starts up in July.

Gemini: impact of Mercury

From June 11-26th, Mercury, your planetary ruler, will roll through Gemini, where she’s very comfortable, lighting up your house of personal appearance, healthy ego, and vitality (what lights you up). This is a time to turn your focus to what you need and what makes you feel alive; release any questions about whether that makes you selfish—your needs matter. Additionally, any speaking engagements or projects that center your point of view or put you in the spotlight will get a boost at this time. More generally, this energy is about candidly speaking your mind and having conversations that energize you and build your confidence.

Keep an eye out for opportunities to speak freely without having to feel “on.” As an air sign, it can sometimes be hard to get in touch with your core truth, but that is exactly the medicine this transit asks for. On June 26th, Mercury will move into Cancer and your house of income/wealth, self-worth, and personal values (what you believe in and stand for), where it will stay until July 11th. Use this time to focus in on your finances. Communications projects can prove lucrative now, so if you have any that you’ve been sitting on—this is the window to pitch. On a deeper level, this time is great for speaking into your self-worth—claiming your power and value. Conversations about the things that really matter to you and what you will and won’t put up with are also important now.

Gemini: positive energy on the 28th – 30th

As we close out the month, three days are bringing a beautiful energy. First on the 28th, the Sun will trine Saturn, helping us take a disciplined approach to achieving goals and setting us up for strong foundations and long-term success. This is an excellent day for career, so if it all possible, schedule meetings for this day. On the 29th, Venus trines Chiron. This is tender astrology that helps us heal our relationship to love and mend wounds. Though you may feel sensitive, lay down your defenses and see what connections are possible. And on the 30th, Mercury will trine Saturn, giving us the perseverance and persistence needed to cross the finish line into success. This is a great day to launch new projects.

2. CANCER June 2023 Monthly Horoscope

We get the month off to a beautiful start with a Sagittarius Full Moon in your house of work, health, and daily routines (including pets) on June 3rd. The astrology of this moon is packed with forward motion. Mars will help us move in the direction of our desires in a way that builds our confidence, vitality, and ambition. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune will team up to bring in love, spirituality, and creativity. Jupiter is the ruler of this Moon, and she will align with the North Node to help us move forward toward abundance, healing, and expanded horizons. All the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be impacted most by this Moon, but especially if you have personal planets or points between 9 and 17 degrees in any of these signs.

Cancer: impact of the full moon

There are a couple potential pitfalls with this Moon. The first: Jupiter will square Venus, bringing the potential for excessive spending or an over-emphasis on money or beauty. If you have a work romance, this could also backfire at this time. The second: Mercury will conjunct Uranus, so incoming news or conversations might be shocking, or you might blurt something out without thinking your words through first. The good news here is that Jupiter and Saturn will technically be sextile (an aspect that goes exact on June 19th, so mark that day on your cal)—and this connection will help temper wild energies, create strong foundations, and set you up for surprises that lead to productive action.

During this Moon and in the two weeks that follow, look for breakthroughs in your work, creativity, and ability to make money by doing what you love (especially if it involves the arts or if there’s a spiritual aspect to what you do). Headway can be made in any health issues you’ve been struggling with as well. And if your daily routine has been feeling lackluster, there are ways now to imbue it with joy. If you see a door opening in any of these areas of your life, take inspired action toward that possibility. There are gifts to be shared with this Moon, especially when we focus our intentions and jump.

Cancer: impact of Venus

On June 5th, Venus moves out of your sign and into Leo, where it lights up your house of wealth, self-worth, and personal values. Venus loves this house! Any efforts you make to increase your income or financial resources during this time will be amplified by this transit. This is also a beautiful time to focus in on your sense of being important and valuable to the world, and to gain strength in your personal beliefs. Make strides here before July, when Venus will retrograde through this house and throw a wrench in these areas.

Cancer: impact of Mercury

From June 11-26, Mercury rolls through Gemini and your house of mental health, the subconscious, and secrets. There is a fine line to balance with Mercury in this house. On the one hand, this is excellent for talking through trauma and bringing shadow emotions like jealousy, rage, and shame out into the open so that they can heal. On the other hand, Mercury can cause us to overanalyze, especially when the emotional stakes are high. Be careful about picking a situation to death in your head during these weeks—turn to the things that bring you into your body as an antidote.

On a more mundane level, secrets may be revealed during this transit (and you certainly may be the one doing the revealing). From June 26th to July 11th, Mercury will roll into your sign, lighting up your house of personal appearance, healthy ego, and vitality (what lights you up). This is a time to turn your focus to what you need and what makes you feel alive; release any questions about whether that makes you selfish—your needs matter. More generally, this energy is about candidly speaking your mind and having conversations that energize you and build your confidence.

Cancer: positive energy on the 28th – 30th

As we close out the month, three days are bringing a beautiful energy. First on the 28th, the Sun will trine Saturn, helping us take a disciplined approach to achieving goals and setting us up for strong foundations and long-term success. This is an excellent day for career, so if it all possible, schedule meetings for this day. On the 29th, Venus trines Chiron. This is tender astrology that helps us heal our relationship to love and mend wounds. Though you may feel sensitive, lay down your defenses and see what connections are possible. And on the 30th, Mercury will trine Saturn, giving us the perseverance and persistence needed to cross the finish line into success. This is a great day to launch new projects.

3. LEO June 2023 Monthly Horoscope

June gets started with a lovely Sagittarius Full Moon in your house of creativity, children, fun (vacations), romance/sex, and creativity on June 3rd. The astrology of this moon is packed with forward motion. Mars will help us move in the direction of our desires in a way that builds our confidence, vitality, and ambition. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune will team up to bring in love, spirituality, and creativity. Jupiter is the ruler of this Moon, and she will align with the North Node to help us move forward toward abundance, healing, and expanded horizons. All the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be impacted most by this Moon, but especially if you have personal planets or points between 9 and 17 degrees in any of these signs.

Leo: impact of the full moon

There are a couple potential pitfalls with this Moon. The first: Jupiter will square Venus, bringing the potential for excessive spending or an over-emphasis on money or beauty. If you’ve been using relationships as a crutch (with children, crushes, sexual partners, etc.), that can backfire now. The second: Mercury will conjunct Uranus, so incoming news or conversations might be shocking, or you might blurt something out without thinking it through first. The good news here is that Jupiter and Saturn will technically be sextile (an aspect that goes exact on June 19th, so mark that day on your cal)—and this connection will help temper wild energies, create strong foundations, and set you up for surprises that lead to productive action.

Around the time of this Moon and in the two weeks that follow, look for breakthroughs in your creative pursuits, relationship to children, or in romance. This is also a gorgeous time to take a vacation. And if you see a door opening in any of these areas of your life, jump on it. This is a Moon pregnant with possibilities, especially if you’re willing to put yourself out there.

Leo: impact of Venus

On the 5th, Venus moves into your sign, lighting up your house of personal appearance, healthy ego, and vitality (what lights you up), where it will stay for months due to a retrograde that starts in July. This is a beautiful time to shop for yourself, beautify (haircuts and treatments, facials, elective surgery, etc.), and pamper yourself at the spa. This is also a good time to think about the relationship between love/relationships and your personal sense of vitality. Are there ways to allow more sweetness and affection into your life? How might that energize you? Use this month to move forward in these areas because once the retrograde hits in July, this area of your chart will experience a bit of disruption.

Leo: impact of Mercury

From June 11-26th, Mercury will transit Gemini and your house of friends, community, the internet, and aspirations for the future. This is beautiful for catching up with friends, chatting it up at parties, and reaching out to connect with your community. A beautiful and little known fact about Mercury and Gemini is that they are associated in the tarot with The Magician—the person who manifests their desires. This is because Mercury rules words. Consider the dual meaning of the word “spell,” both to cast a spell, and to spell out words. With Mercury in your house of aspirations for the future, now is the time to speak out what you want to create in your life (making a list, talking about it with friends, or speaking a prayer are all great ways).

From June 26th to July 11th, Mercury will move through Cancer and your house of mental health, the subconscious, and secrets. There is a fine line to balance with Mercury in this house. On the one hand, this is excellent for talking through trauma and bringing shadow emotions like jealousy, rage, and shame out into the open so that they can heal. On the other hand, Mercury can cause us to overanalyze, especially when the emotional stakes are high. Be careful about picking a situation to death in your head during these weeks—turn to the things that bring you into your body as an antidote. On a more mundane level, secrets may be revealed during this transit (and you certainly may be the one doing the revealing).

Leo: positive energy on the 28th – 30th

As we close out the month, three days are bringing a beautiful energy. First on the 28th, the Sun will trine Saturn, helping us take a disciplined approach to achieving goals and setting us up for strong foundations and long-term success. This is an excellent day for career, so if it all possible, schedule meetings for this day. On the 29th, Venus trines Chiron. This is tender astrology that helps us heal our relationship to love and mend wounds. Though you may feel sensitive, lay down your defenses and see what connections are possible. And on the 30th, Mercury will trine Saturn, giving us the perseverance and persistence needed to cross the finish line into success. This is a great day to launch new projects.

4. VIRGO June 2023 Monthly Horoscope

We jump into the month with a gorgeous Sagittarius Full Moon in your house of home and family on June 3rd. The astrology of this moon is packed with forward motion. Mars will help us move in the direction of our desires in a way that builds our confidence, vitality, and ambition. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune will team up to bring in love, spirituality, and creativity. Jupiter is the ruler of this Moon, and she will align with the North Node to help us move forward toward abundance, healing, and expanded horizons. All the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be impacted most by this Moon, but especially if you have personal planets or points between 9 and 17 degrees in any of these signs.

Virgo: impact of the full moon

There are a couple potential pitfalls with this Moon, however. The first: Jupiter will square Venus, bringing the potential for excessive spending or an over-emphasis on money or beauty. If you’re remodeling or decorating your house, be careful not to go overboard. You may also be putting too much emphasis on family relationships or using family members as a crutch—issues that may rear their heads now. The second: Mercury will conjunct Uranus, so incoming news or conversations might be shocking, or you might blurt something out without thinking it through first. The good news here is that Jupiter and Saturn will technically be sextile (an aspect that goes exact on June 19th, so mark that day on your cal)—and this connection will help temper wild energies, create strong foundations, and set you up for surprises that lead to productive action.

Around the time of this Moon and in the two weeks that follow, look for breakthroughs in your home and family life. Moving, adding to your family, or beautifying your home are all fortuitous for you during this Moon, Virgo. If you see a door opening in any of these areas of your life, make moves. So much is available to us now when we decide to go for it.

Virgo: impact of Venus

On the 5th, Venus enters Leo and your house of mental health, secrets, spirituality, and hidden spaces like prisons/hospitals, where it will stay for months due to a retrograde next month. What are your subconscious needs in love? What secrets are you keeping within the confines of your heart?  You might also have an affair during this time, find out about someone else’s, learn that a loved one needs medical attention (physical therapy, for example) or visit a loved one in jail. Leo doesn’t hold back, but this house is all about the clandestine, so this transit may have you feeling a kind of push/pull in love. Focus on expressing what’s true for you in matters of the heart during this month, even if it feels unnerving. When Venus retrograde kicks off next month, we’ll have to backtrack—better to get a head start now.

Virgo: impact of Mercury

From June 11th to 26th, Mercury, your planetary ruler, will move through Gemini and your house of career, legacy, and public standing. Mercury analyzes, thinks, and speaks, and these are all areas where you’ll want to put your energy at the office or in thinking about how to leave your legacy. If you’re able to pitch ideas or speak publicly, this small window is a great time.

From June 26th to July 11th, Mercury will move into Cancer and your house of friends, community, the internet, and aspirations for the future. This is beautiful for catching up with friends, chatting it up at parties, and reaching out to connect with your community. A beautiful and little known fact about Mercury and Gemini is that they are associated in the tarot with The Magician. This is because Mercury rules words.With Mercury in your house of aspirations for the future, now is the time to speak out what you want to create in your life (making a list, talking about it with friends, or speaking a prayer are all great ways).

Virgo: positive energy on the 28th – 30th

As we close out the month, three days are bringing a beautiful energy. First on the 28th, the Sun will trine Saturn, helping us take a disciplined approach to achieving goals and setting us up for strong foundations and long-term success. This is an excellent day for career, so if it all possible, schedule meetings for this day. On the 29th, Venus trines Chiron. This is tender astrology that helps us heal our relationship to love and mend wounds. Though you may feel sensitive, lay down your defenses and see what connections are possible. And on the 30th, Mercury will trine Saturn, giving us the perseverance and persistence needed to cross the finish line into success. This is a great day to launch new projects.

5. LIBRA June 2023 Monthly Horoscope

June opens with a beautiful Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3rd  in your house of communication (both personal, as in emails, phone calls, and face-to-face conversations, and professional, e.g. publishing and broadcasting), siblings, and neighbors. The astrology of this moon is packed with forward motion. Mars will help us move in the direction of our desires in a way that builds our confidence, vitality, and ambition. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune will team up to bring in love, spirituality, and creativity. Jupiter is the ruler of this Moon, and she will align with the North Node to help us move forward toward abundance, healing, and expanded horizons. All the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be impacted most by this Moon, but especially if you have personal planets or points between 9 and 17 degrees in any of these signs.

Libra: impact of the full moon

There are a couple potential pitfalls with this Moon, however. The first: Jupiter will square Venus, bringing the potential for excessive spending or an over-emphasis on money or beauty. Greed among siblings is a possibility, as is a need to keep up with the Joneses. If you have any personal communications projects (like a podcast or self-published book), be careful not to overspend on it.

The second: Mercury will conjunct Uranus, so incoming news or conversations might be shocking, or you might blurt something out without thinking it through first (this is especially true for you, since the Moon will be in your house of communication!). The good news here is that Jupiter and Saturn will technically be sextile (an aspect that goes exact on June 19th, so mark that day on your cal)—and this connection will help temper wild energies, create strong foundations, and set you up for surprises that lead to productive action.

Around the time of this Moon and in the two weeks that follow, look for breakthroughs in personal communication. If there are conversations you’ve been wanting to have, this is a gorgeous time to lean into love and speak your truth. If you’ve been struggling in your relationship with a sibling or neighbor, there is lots of healing potential in this area of your life as well. In general, if you see a door opening in any of these areas of your life, don’t sleep on it.

This Moon is full of blessings if we’re willing to take a measured risk.

Libra: impact of Venus

On June 5th, Venus will move into Leo and your house of friends, community, the internet, and hopes/dreams for the future, where it will stay for months due to a retrograde that starts in July. This is a beautiful time to connect with the groups that make you feel loved. You might also find a romantic connection within your friend group or through an online connection (this would be an excellent time to slip into someone’s DMs). If you have any aspirations around love (falling in love, marriage, etc.), this month is a great time to put yourself out there. Make moves now because once Venus retrograde kicks off in July, this area of your chart will experience a setback or slowing, or will require you to review this area of your life in some way.

Libra: impact of Mercury

From June 11th to 26th, Mercury will move into Gemini and your house of expansion. This house oversees a lot: long-distance travel, international relationships (both personal and professional), higher education, publishing/broadcasting, and spirituality. From a bird’s eye view, this house is about broadening your worldview, delivering your message to a greater audience, or simply feeling freer and more expansive in the world. If you have any publishing/broadcasting projects, this small window is an excellent time to move ahead with them, as Mercury oversees speaking and writing.

From June 26th to July 11th, Mercury will transit Cancer and your house of career, legacy, and public standing. Mercury analyzes, thinks, and speaks, and these are all areas where you’ll want to put your energy at the office or in thinking about how to leave your legacy. If you’re able to pitch ideas or speak publicly, this small window is a great time.

Libra: positive energy on the 28th – 30th

As we close out the month, three days are bringing a beautiful energy. First on the 28th, the Sun will trine Saturn, helping us take a disciplined approach to achieving goals and setting us up for strong foundations and long-term success. This is an excellent day for career, so if it all possible, schedule meetings for this day. On the 29th, Venus trines Chiron. This is tender astrology that helps us heal our relationship to love and mend wounds. Though you may feel sensitive, lay down your defenses and see what connections are possible. And on the 30th, Mercury will trine Saturn, giving us the perseverance and persistence needed to cross the finish line into success. This is a great day to launch new projects.

6. SCORPIO June 2023 Monthly Horoscope

We enter our first summer month with a lovely Sagittarius Full Moon in your house of wealth, self-worth, and personal values. The astrology of this moon is packed with forward motion. Mars will help us move in the direction of our desires in a way that builds our confidence, vitality, and ambition. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune will team up to bring in love, spirituality, and creativity. Jupiter is the ruler of this Moon, and she will align with the North Node to help us move forward toward abundance, healing, and expanded horizons. All the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be impacted most by this Moon, but especially if you have personal planets or points between 9 and 17 degrees in any of these signs.

Scorpio: impact of the full moon

There are a couple potential pitfalls with this Moon, however. The first: Jupiter will square Venus, bringing the potential for excessive spending or an over-emphasis on money or beauty. This is especially true for you since this Moon is lighting up your house of money and personal values. Make sure you understand the difference between being worthy of money and being obsessed with money. This is also an important time to question your personal relationship to beauty; if beauty enhances your life—wonderful. If you’re a slave to it, that can backfire now.

The second: Mercury will conjunct Uranus, so incoming news or conversations might be shocking, or you might blurt something out without thinking it through first. The good news here is that Jupiter and Saturn will technically be sextile (an aspect that goes exact on June 19th, so mark that day on your cal)—and this connection will help temper wild energies, create strong foundations, and set you up for surprises that lead to productive action.

Around the time of this Moon and in the two weeks that follow, look for breakthroughs in wealth. High paying projects may present themselves now, or you may team up with a financial advisor who helps you invest. But beyond the material possibilities, this is a powerful time to experience the deep sense that you matter and commit to your personal values, especially in the realm of love. If you see a door opening in any of these areas of your life, be willing to go outside your comfort zone to make it happen; this Moon appreciates a small risk.

Scorpio: impact of Venus

On June 5th, Venus enters Leo and your house of career and public standing, where it will stay for months due to a retrograde that stars in July. In the meantime, this is excellent for your career! Venus oversees money, so this is a great time to ask for a raise or reorganize your career in a way that brings you greater income. You might also feel “in love” with what you do at this time, or feel strong affection for someone you meet through your career. Make as many strides here as you can during June because once Venus retrograde goes into effect in July, there will be some setbacks to wrestle with in this area of your life.

Scorpio: impact of Mercury

From June 11th to 26th, Mercury will move through Gemini and your house of sexuality, endings, deep personal transformation, and shared resources (loans, inheritances, taxes, split bills, etc.). This is a deeply emotional house, and Mercury lives firmly outside of the emotional body in thoughts, analysis, and words. The best way to marry these energies is to speak into your transformative processes with “I feel” statements. This also goes for any losses or shedding experiences that you’re encountering now. Give these emotions language (journaling and talk therapy would be really helpful, for example). Analyzing your shared resources and how to best split or maximize them is also ideal, as is having any needed conversations with sexual partners. From June 26th to July 11th, Mercury will transit your house of expansion.

This house oversees a lot: long-distance travel, international relationships (both personal and professional), higher education, publishing/broadcasting, and spirituality. From a bird’s eye view, this house is about broadening your worldview, delivering your message to a greater audience, or simply feeling freer and more expansive in the world. If you have any publishing/broadcasting projects, this small window is an excellent time to move ahead with them, as Mercury oversees speaking and writing. But in general, open up to ways that your words or ideas can connect to a bigger audience or your mindset can be expanded by higher knowledge.

Scorpio: positive energy on the 28th – 30th

As we close out the month, three days are bringing a beautiful energy. First on the 28th, the Sun will trine Saturn, helping us take a disciplined approach to achieving goals and setting us up for strong foundations and long-term success. This is an excellent day for career, so if it all possible, schedule meetings for this day. On the 29th, Venus trines Chiron. This is tender astrology that helps us heal our relationship to love and mend wounds. Though you may feel sensitive, lay down your defenses and see what connections are possible. And on the 30th, Mercury will trine Saturn, giving us the perseverance and persistence needed to cross the finish line into success. This is a great day to launch new projects.

7. SAGITTARIUS June 2023 Monthly Horoscope

Welcome to summer, Sagittarius! We kick off June with a gorgeous Full Moon in your sign on the 3rd of the month, lighting up your house of individuality, physical appearance, healthy ego, and vitality (what lights you up). The astrology of this moon is packed with forward motion. Mars will help us move in the direction of our desires in a way that builds our confidence, energy, and ambition. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune will team up to bring in love, spirituality, and creativity. Jupiter is the ruler of this Moon, and she will align with the North Node to help us move forward toward abundance, healing, and expanded horizons. All the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be impacted most by this Moon, but especially if you have personal planets or points between 9 and 17 degrees in any of these signs.

Saggitarius: impact of the full moon

There are a couple potential pitfalls with this Moon, however. The first: Jupiter will square Venus, bringing the potential for excessive spending or an over-emphasis on money or beauty.

This is especially true for you since this Moon is in your house of physical appearance. A need to look beautiful to others or to seem successful or wealthy can backfire now. The second: Mercury will conjunct Uranus, so incoming news or conversations might be shocking, or you might blurt something out without thinking it through first. The good news here is that Jupiter and Saturn will technically be sextile (an aspect that goes exact on June 19th, so mark that day on your cal)—and this connection will help temper wild energies, create strong foundations, and set you up for surprises that lead to productive action.

Around the time of this Moon and in the two weeks that follow, look for breakthroughs in what bolsters your sense of being wonderful and loveable just the way you are. This is also a perfect time to take up the spotlight, to celebrate what sets you apart from the crowd, and to relish in what energizes you and allows you to be fully yourself. Opportunities may arise in any of these areas of your life, and if they do, jump on them! This Moon loves a little bravery.

Saggitarius: impact of Venus

On the 5th, Venus, ruler of love and money, will move into Leo and your house of expansion. This house oversees a lot of different areas—long-distance travel, international relationships (professional and personal), higher education, publishing/broadcasting, and spirituality—and is all about expanding your worldview and/or bringing your message to the masses. During June, you may find that you’re able to make money in these areas of your life (maybe you get hired onto a project with an international company, get an advance on a book, or find a job teaching classes). Venus also rules love, so you may feel passionate about one of these areas this month or connect with a good friend or romantic interest through them. Whatever the case, make strides now because once Venus retrograde hits in July, there will be some setbacks or slow-downs for us to contend with.

Saggitarius: impact of Mercury

Between June 11th and June 26th, Mercury will move through Gemini and your house of partnerships (best friends, significant others, business partners, etc.). This house oversees the people you want to pull closest into your life, and Mercury oversees thoughts and words. You may need to have important conversations with these people now, or you may be thinking through these relationships to understand your needs, boundaries, or next steps. A word of caution: Mercury’s downfall is overanalyzing. Be careful not to beat a dead horse. .

From June 26th to July 11th, Mercury moves into Cancer and your house of sexuality, endings, deep personal transformation, and shared resources (loans, inheritances, taxes, split bills, etc.). Mercury lives firmly outside of the emotional body in thoughts, analysis, and words. The best way to marry these energies is to speak into your transformative processes with “I feel” statements. This also goes for any losses or shedding experiences that you’re encountering now. Give these emotions language (journaling and talk therapy would be really helpful, for example). Analyzing your shared resources and how to best split or maximize them is also ideal, as is having any needed conversations with sexual partners.

Sagittarius: positive energy on the 28th – 30th

As we close out the month, three days are bringing a beautiful energy. First on the 28th, the Sun will trine Saturn, helping us take a disciplined approach to achieving goals and setting us up for strong foundations and long-term success. This is an excellent day for career, so if it all possible, schedule meetings for this day. On the 29th, Venus trines Chiron. This is tender astrology that helps us heal our relationship to love and mend wounds. Though you may feel sensitive, lay down your defenses and see what connections are possible. And on the 30th, Mercury will trine Saturn, giving us the perseverance and persistence needed to cross the finish line into success. This is a great day to launch new projects.

8. CAPRICORN June 2023 Monthly Horoscope

We get the month off to a beautiful start with a Sagittarius Full Moon in your house of mental health, secrets, and spirituality. The astrology of this moon is packed with forward motion. Mars will help us move in the direction of our desires in a way that builds our confidence, energy, and ambition. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune will team up to bring in love, spirituality, and creativity. Jupiter is the ruler of this Moon, and she will align with the North Node to help us move forward toward abundance, healing, and expanded horizons. All the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be impacted most by this Moon, but especially if you have personal planets or points between 9 and 17 degrees in any of these signs.

Capricorn: impact of the full moon

There are a couple potential pitfalls with this Moon, however. The first: Jupiter will square Venus, bringing the potential for excessive spending or an over-emphasis on money or beauty.

Since this Moon is happening in your house of secrets, hidden expenses or romances could backfire now. The second: Mercury will conjunct Uranus, so incoming news or conversations might be shocking, or you might blurt something out without thinking it through first. The good news here is that Jupiter and Saturn will technically be sextile (an aspect that goes exact on June 19th, so mark that day on your cal)—and this connection will help temper wild energies, create strong foundations, and set you up for surprises that lead to productive action.

Around the time of this Moon and in the two weeks that follow, look for breakthroughs in your mental health and spirituality. With Venus and Neptune so closely bonded, love in your personal life and love from The Divine wants to be seen, felt, and expressed, and this has tremendous healing potential. Someone may also confess their feelings of affection toward you, or vice versa. Look for doors opening in any of these areas of your life, and if you see an opportunity, take it! This astrology is set up to reward (reasonably) bold action.

Capricorn: impact of Venus

On the 5th, Venus enters Leo and your house of sexuality, deep transformation, endings, and external financial resources (loans, inheritances, etc.), where it will stay for months due to a retrograde that kicks off in July. This is a very intense house, and you could see several outcomes with Venus here. On the one hand, because Venus rules love and money, this is excellent for getting loans, receiving a return on your taxes, etc. It could also mean that a sexual connection becomes more intimate and love-based during this time.

On the other hand, a loving relationship may be ending now, you may be processing the loss of something you cared about, or you may need to experience a deep internal overhaul in your relationship to love (perhaps you realize you’ve been pushing people away, for example). Whatever way you experience this, move forward in this area now because once Venus retrograde kicks off, this area of your life will experience setbacks or require your review.

Capricorn: impact of Mercury

From June 11th to 26th, Mercury will move through Gemini and your house of work, health, and daily routines (chores, sleep, pets, etc.). Mercury is very comfortable in this house and does great work. Its planetary job is to analyze, think through, and find words, so you may find that analysis is a more prominent part of your work now. Pitching, negotiating, and public speaking for your job are favored now, so if you have an idea you want to throw into the ring, now is the time. You might also be able to solve a health issue with Mercury’s help, or set up an organized daily routine that optimizes your health and time management.

From the 26th to July 11th, Mercury will transit Cancer and your house of partnerships (best friends, significant others, business partners, etc.). This house oversees the people you want to pull closest into your life, and Mercury oversees thoughts and words.  Whether a situation with a partner arises or you’re agonizing over a lack of partnership, just remember that obsession will only drain you.

Capricorn: positive energy on the 28th – 30th

As we close out the month, three days are bringing a beautiful energy. First on the 28th, the Sun will trine Saturn, helping us take a disciplined approach to achieving goals and setting us up for strong foundations and long-term success. This is an excellent day for career, so if it all possible, schedule meetings for this day. On the 29th, Venus trines Chiron. This is tender astrology that helps us heal our relationship to love and mend wounds. Though you may feel sensitive, lay down your defenses and see what connections are possible. And on the 30th, Mercury will trine Saturn, giving us the perseverance and persistence needed to cross the finish line into success. This is a great day to launch new projects.

9. AQUARIUS June 2023 Monthly Horoscope

June kicks off with a beautiful Sagittarius Full Moon in your house of friends, community, the Internet, and hopes/dreams for the future. The astrology of this moon is packed with forward motion. Mars will help us move in the direction of our desires in a way that builds our confidence, energy, and ambition. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune will team up to bring in love, spirituality, and creativity. Jupiter is the ruler of this Moon, and she will align with the North Node to help us move forward toward abundance, healing, and expanded horizons. All the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be impacted most by this Moon, but especially if you have personal planets or points between 9 and 17 degrees in any of these signs.

Aquarius: impact of the full moon

There are a couple potential pitfalls with this Moon, however. The first: Jupiter will square Venus, bringing the potential for excessive spending or an over-emphasis on money, relationships or beauty. If you’ve been using any of your friends, community groups, or online connections (hi, doom scrolling) as a crutch, this could backfire now. The second: Mercury will conjunct Uranus, so incoming news or conversations might be shocking, or you might blurt something out without thinking it through first. The good news here is that Jupiter and Saturn will technically be sextile (an aspect that goes exact on June 19th, so mark that day on your cal)—and this connection will help temper wild energies, create strong foundations, and set you up for surprises that lead to productive action.

Around the time of this Moon and in the two weeks that follow, look for breakthroughs in your friendships, community, and online connections. With Venus in such close connection to Neptune, this could be a time of social healing, reminding you that you are loved and cared for. If there’s a particular dream or aspiration for the future that you’ve been holding close, this Moon can absolutely help you make headway. Look for possibilities in any of these areas of your life, and if you see a door open—take a risk and get in there! This Moon is full of blessings for this who are willing to take a measured risk.

Aquarius: impact of Venus

On the 5th, Venus moves into Leo and your house of partnerships (best friends, spouses/ significant others, business partners, etc.), where it will stay for months due to a Venus retrograde that starts in July. How lovely to have Venus in this house! All your one-on-one connections will benefit from the affection, warmth, and care that Venus brings. And since Venus also oversees money, this will support your business partnerships as well. Put your focus on moving forward in this area of your life as much as possible during June because once Venus retrograde comes into effect in July, you’ll likely experience setbacks and confusion in this sector of your chart.

Aquarius: impact of Mercury

From June 11-26, Mercury will move through Gemini and your house of sex/romance, creativity, children, self-expression, and fun. This is a great time to chat up a crush, work on creative writing or speaking projects (acting is favored with this placement), have important conversations with your children, or play games that involve strategy (chess, for example). This house is also about expression, so don’t be afraid to stand out when you have something to get off your chest.

From June 26-July 11, Mercury will transit Cancer and your house of work, health, and daily routines (chores, sleep, pets, etc.). Its planetary job is to analyze, think through, and find words, so you may find that analysis is a more prominent part of your work now. Pitching, negotiating, and public speaking for your job are favored now, so if you have an idea you want to throw into the ring, now is the time.

Aquarius: positive energy on the 28th – 30th

As we close out the month, three days are bringing a beautiful energy. First on the 28th, the Sun will trine Saturn, helping us take a disciplined approach to achieving goals and setting us up for strong foundations and long-term success. This is an excellent day for career, so if it all possible, schedule meetings for this day. On the 29th, Venus trines Chiron. This is tender astrology that helps us heal our relationship to love and mend wounds. Though you may feel sensitive, lay down your defenses and see what connections are possible. And on the 30th, Mercury will trine Saturn, giving us the perseverance and persistence needed to cross the finish line into success. This is a great day to launch new projects.

10. PISCES June 2023 Monthly Horoscope

June gets started with a lovely Sagittarius Full Moon in your house of career and public standing.

The astrology of this moon is packed with forward motion. Mars will help us move in the direction of our desires in a way that builds our confidence, energy, and ambition. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune will team up to bring in love, spirituality, and creativity. Jupiter is the ruler of this Moon, and she will align with the North Node to help us move forward toward abundance, healing, and expanded horizons. All the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be impacted most by this Moon, but especially if you have personal planets or points between 9 and 17 degrees in any of these signs.

Pisces: impact of the full moon

There are a couple potential pitfalls with this Moon, however. The first: Jupiter will square Venus, bringing the potential for excessive spending or an over-emphasis on money, relationships or beauty. Making career decisions based solely on finances or wanting to come across as wealthy or successful in the public eye can backfire now. The second: Mercury will conjunct Uranus, so incoming news or conversations might be shocking, or you might blurt something out without thinking it through first. The good news here is that Jupiter and Saturn will technically be sextile (an aspect that goes exact on June 19th, so mark that day on your cal)—and this connection will help temper wild energies, create strong foundations, and set you up for surprises that lead to productive action.

Around the time of this Moon and in the two weeks that follow, look for breakthroughs in your career. This astrology is ripe with abundance, so promotions and/or raises are possible, as is moving to a new company that feels more expansive. If your career is in the arts, spiritual realm, or healing arts, these areas will receive a boost, although it may generally feel like your career has a healing presence in your life at this time. If you see a door opening in any of these areas of your life, take inspired action toward that possibility. There are gifts to be shared with this Moon, especially when we focus our intentions and jump.

Pisces: impact of Venus

On the 5th, Venus moves into Leo and your house of work, health, and daily routines (sleep, chores, caring for pets, etc.). You may find that your work involves women or beauty, feels more emotional, becomes more social, or offers more money—it’s certainly a fabulous time to ask for a raise or apply for that higher paying position. You might also feel a spark with someone you know from the office—even if it’s a platonic spark! You’ll also experience luck in health matters now, although you should be careful not to overindulge in sweets during this transit. Take advantage of all of Venus’ blessings now, because once she begins her retrograde transit through this house in July, you’ll likely experience confusion and setbacks in these arenas.

Pisces: impact of Mercury

From June 11-26, Mercury will move through your house of home and family. You may need to have important conversations with family members during this time or attend a family reunion. You might also be thinking about what family means to you or strategizing ways to expand your family (adoption, IVF, etc.). If you’re thinking about moving or remodeling your home, you’ll be able to make headway here now. This might also be a time of examining your childhood to better understand the person you are today. From June 26-July 11, Mercury will transit Cancer and your house of sex/romance, creativity, children, self-expression, and fun. This is a great time to chat up a crush, work on creative writing or speaking projects (acting is favored with this placement), have important conversations with your children, or play games that involve strategy (chess, for example).

Pisces: positive energy on the 28th – 30th

As we close out the month, three days are bringing a beautiful energy. First on the 28th, the Sun will trine Saturn, helping us take a disciplined approach to achieving goals and setting us up for strong foundations and long-term success. This is an excellent day for career, so if it all possible, schedule meetings for this day. On the 29th, Venus trines Chiron. This is tender astrology that helps us heal our relationship to love and mend wounds. Though you may feel sensitive, lay down your defenses and see what connections are possible. And on the 30th, Mercury will trine Saturn, giving us the perseverance and persistence needed to cross the finish line into success. This is a great day to launch new projects.

11. ARIES June 2023 Monthly Horoscope

We jump into the month with a gorgeous Sagittarius Full Moon in your house of expansion. This house covers a lot of ground: long-distance travel, working with international companies, higher learning (grad school, for example), publishing/broadcasting, and spirituality. The astrology of this moon is packed with forward motion. Mars will help us move in the direction of our desires in a way that builds our confidence, energy, and ambition. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune will team up to bring in love, spirituality, and creativity. Jupiter is the ruler of this Moon, and she will align with the North Node to help us move forward toward abundance, healing, and expanded horizons. All the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be impacted most by this Moon, but especially if you have personal planets or points between 9 and 17 degrees in any of these signs.

Aries: impact of the full moon

There are a couple potential pitfalls with this Moon, however. The first: Jupiter will square Venus, bringing the potential for excessive spending or an over-emphasis on money, relationships, or beauty. The second: Mercury will conjunct Uranus, so incoming news or conversations might be shocking, or you might blurt something out without thinking it through first. The good news here is that Jupiter and Saturn will technically be sextile (an aspect that goes exact on June 19th, so mark that day on your cal)—and this connection will help temper wild energies, create strong foundations, and set you up for surprises that lead to productive action.

Around the time of this Moon and in the two weeks that follow, look for breakthroughs in your capacity to expand your vision of the world or to reach more people with your message. Doing so could be especially lucrative (maybe you team up with an international company that grows your profit, or maybe you have an opportunity to take a class that teaches you about plant medicine so you can start a business later down the road). You might also find love in expansive places (a person from another country or culture, or maybe you bring a third person into your relationship). Spiritual pursuits will also receive blessings during this time. In general, if you see a door opening in any of these areas of your life, don’t sleep on it. This Moon is full of blessings if we’re willing to take a measured risk.

Aries: impact of Venus

Two days later on the 5th, Venus will enter Leo and your house of children, creativity, romance/sex, and fun (vacations, etc.), where she will stay for months due to a retrograde that starts in July. In this house, Venus will fuel your creativity, deepen your affections to the children in your life, bring in opportunities for flirtations and sexy encounters, and imbue your vacations with luck and love. You can make money from creative endeavors now and gain child support if you’re seeking it. Do as much as you can to make strides in these areas in June because once Venus retrograde kicks off in July, you’ll likely experience delays and confusion in these areas.

Aries: impact of Mercury

From June 11-26, Mercury will move through Gemini and your house of communication, siblings, and neighbors. Mercury rules communication and this house, so be ready for an extra dose of chattiness. This is a brilliant time to pitch ideas, work on writing or speaking projects, or have important conversations that you may have been putting off. Conversations with siblings or neighbors will also be favored now, so if you’ve been avoiding a chat in that vein, jump in during this window. From June 26-July 11, Mercury will transit your house of home and family You might also be thinking about what family means to you or strategizing ways to expand your family (adoption, IVF, etc.). If you’re thinking about moving or remodeling your home, you’ll be able to make headway here now. This might also be a time of examining your childhood to better understand the person you are today.

Aries: positive energy on the 28th – 30th

As we close out the month, three days are bringing a beautiful energy. First on the 28th, the Sun will trine Saturn, helping us take a disciplined approach to achieving goals and setting us up for strong foundations and long-term success. This is an excellent day for career, so if it all possible, schedule meetings for this day. On the 29th, Venus trines Chiron. This is tender astrology that helps us heal our relationship to love and mend wounds. Though you may feel sensitive, lay down your defenses and see what connections are possible. And on the 30th, Mercury will trine Saturn, giving us the perseverance and persistence needed to cross the finish line into success. This is a great day to launch new projects.

12. TAURUS June 2023 Monthly Horoscope

We jump into the month with a gorgeous Sagittarius Full Moon in your house of deep transformation, endings, sex, and external financial resources (taxes, loans, etc.). The astrology of this moon is packed with forward motion. Mars will help us move in the direction of our desires in a way that builds our confidence, energy, and ambition. Meanwhile, Venus and Neptune will team up to bring in love, spirituality, and creativity. Jupiter is the ruler of this Moon, and she will align with the North Node to help us move forward toward abundance, healing, and expanded horizons. All the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will be impacted most by this Moon, but especially if you have personal planets or points between 9 and 17 degrees in any of these signs.

Taurus: impact of the full moon

There are a couple potential pitfalls with this Moon, however. The first: Jupiter will square Venus, bringing the potential for excessive spending or an over-emphasis on money, relationships, or beauty. The second: Mercury will conjunct Uranus, so incoming news or conversations might be shocking, or you might blurt something out without thinking it through first. The good news here is that Jupiter and Saturn will technically be sextile (an aspect that goes exact on June 19th, so mark that day on your cal)—and this connection will help temper wild energies, create strong foundations, and set you up for surprises that lead to productive action.

Around the time of this Moon and in the two weeks that follow, look for breakthroughs in your sexual relationships, shared resources, emotional shifts, and ability to let go of and shed what isn’t working. Because Venus is so closely tied to Neptune, sexual connections may suddenly feel more emotionally intimate. You might also walk away from a relationship in order to get your true needs met. If you’re applying for a loan or waiting for an inheritance, this is a great time for those things to come through. You might also notice that you have a huge change or release in how your think about love and decide to act on those realizations. If you see a door opening in any of these areas of your life, be willing to go outside your comfort zone to make it happen; this Moon appreciates a small risk.

Taurus: impact of Venus

On the 5th, Venus enters Leo and your house of home and family, where it will stay for months because of a retrograde that kicks off in July. But during June, you’ll find that your relationship to family is filled with affection and warmth. There will likely be an emphasis on the women or femme folks in your family during this time. This is also an excellent time to beautify your home, buy a home, or remodel. The only snag is that once Venus retrograde starts in mid-July, this area of your life will likely experience delays, confusion, or a backwards motion to places, situations, or family members from your past. You’d be wise to make strides in this area now while you have Venus’ momentum on your side.

Taurus: impact of Mercury

From June 11-26, Mercury will move through your house of income, self-worth, and personal values (what you believe in and stand up for). Mercury rules writing and communication, so any work you do in these arenas could see great profits at this time. You may also be called to speak on behalf of your worth (potentially through setting boundaries or requiring a certain level of pay), or for your beliefs. Diplomacy is key, but don’t hide behind it if a firm hand is needed. From June 26-July 11, Mercury will transit Cancer and your house of communication, siblings, and neighbors.  This is a brilliant time to pitch ideas, work on writing or speaking projects, or have important conversations that you may have been putting off. Conversations with siblings or neighbors will also be favored now, so if you’ve been avoiding a chat in that vein, jump in during this window.

Taurus: positive energy on the 28th – 30th

As we close out the month, three days are bringing a beautiful energy. First on the 28th, the Sun will trine Saturn, helping us take a disciplined approach to achieving goals and setting us up for strong foundations and long-term success. This is an excellent day for career, so if it all possible, schedule meetings for this day. On the 29th, Venus trines Chiron. This is tender astrology that helps us heal our relationship to love and mend wounds. Though you may feel sensitive, lay down your defenses and see what connections are possible. And on the 30th, Mercury will trine Saturn, giving us the perseverance and persistence needed to cross the finish line into success. This is a great day to launch new projects.

June 2023 Monthly Horoscope for every sign of the zodiac

That’s what our expert astrologer has to say about the monthly horoscope and what to expect in June 2023 for every sign of the zodiac. Whatever is on the way, we wish you a good, healthy, happy and safe month ahead, dear reader.