A good night’s sleep is vital for our health and well-being. And yet, it’s really elusive for many. For some, deep restful sleep has become like a luxury experience – something that people would pay a lot to achieve, if only they could. Fear not! There are lots of new options to try right now in the quest for rest. And superior sleep hygiene. Here’s our round-up of the 10 best luxury products and tools for better hygiene and deep sleep right now, including tech gadgets, sleep masks and more.
The ongoing quest for rest
Sleep. We all need it, and yet so many of us struggle to get enough of it. And it’s not only that we’re too busy to set aside eight unconscious hours each night; how many of us have tossed and turned, only to find our eyes drifting shut the moment our alarm dings? Or fallen asleep in minutes… only to wake up an hour later, and an hour later, and an hour later… all night long? We know, we’ve been there. Studies show that this is a universal problem – people sleep less as they age.

The best luxury 2024 products and tools for better sleep.
Yet we also know that getting enough sleep – and getting good sleep – is crucial for our health and happiness. So as we dive into a new season, we rounded up some tips and tricks for getting those elusive eight hours. Here’s what you should do to up your sleep hygiene and get more and better z’s.
The 10 Best Luxury Products, Tech Tools and Gadgets for Better Deep Sleep
1. No Electronics
Studies show that our electronics are one of the primary causes of our insomnia. Not only are our phones and computers capable of causing distraction and anxiety – who hasn’t lain awake, stressing over something they read on Twitter? – but also, the light alone is enough to disrupt our precious sleep cycles. This is why experts recommend putting your devices away at least an hour before bedtime. But we suggest taking it one step further, and picking up a pair of blue light glasses to wear in the evening. With the help of Sojos Blue Light Blocking Glasses ($16.99), you’ll be protected from the power of your work email – physically, if not emotionally.
BUY NOW – $16.99.
2. Keep a Consistent Bedtime
In this piece from The New York Times, writer Alisha Haridasani Gupta revealed that it’s important to keep a consistent bedtime. This can be a challenge for so many reasons, but that’s where the Loftie Clock ($119.20) comes in. Insomniacs, this is a miracle device. Not only does it work to help you set your bedtime routine, it comes with special bedtime playlists (which you can design yourself), white noise capabilities, recorded meditations, and a special two-phase alarm. If you’re someone who seriously struggles with sleep hygiene, the Loftie Clock is worth buying for “Night School” alone. There you can learn more about your body’s natural rhythms, and how to work with them, rather than against them.
BUY NOW – $119.20.
3. Less Stress
Everyone has a lot going on. For many, lack of sleep is not due to phones, or bedtimes, or any other smart, scientific reason – it’s because we are too stressed to turn off our minds at night. We lie awake, mulling over our worries, holding our to-do lists like a shield between ourselves and sleep. And though we can’t take away your stress, we can recommend a little something to help force your body into a state of calm – at least for a few hours. Have you ever tried a weighted blanket? They induce a state of total bliss, forcing your anxiety from your body in a way that feels like magic. We don’t know how we’d live without them. And our favorite is this one from Bearaby ($279.00), which is a chunky knit 25 pounds and comes in five appealing colors. Seriously, try one – it’s going to change your life.
BUY NOW – $279.00 for the 25-pound blanket.
4. Get Some Exercise
According to the same New York Times study, getting exercise – even just a few times a week – makes a huge difference in how well you sleep. But if you feel overwhelmed by crowded classes and expensive equipment, why not start simple? We love the app Sweat ($119.94/year), which offers routines for strength, hiit, yoga, and more, and is well-equipped for all levels of expertise. Download today, and make this your healthiest, happiest year ever.
BUY NOW – $119.94.
5. No Caffeine
Another piece of advice cited by the New York Times? Cut back on caffeine. It may seem obvious, but it’s still hard for some of us (guilty!) to admit we need to do. Excessive caffeine consumption – especially late in the day – can make it harder to fall asleep at night, and it might be what’s holding us back from a good night’s rest. So why not switch things up? Instead of that fifth latte, switch to this evening ritual starter kit ($60.00) from Mud WTR.This is a caffeine-free blend, designed to promote calm and get us all a little more ready for bedtime. A little rooibos, a little cinnamon – a lot of sleep.
BUY NOW – $60.00.
6. Get Some Help
If you still have trouble catching those z’s, there’s no shame in getting a little assistance. As we all know, melatonin can work wonders on sleeplessness, and these five-star Sleep Tight Gummies ($30.00) might just do the trick. They’re made with both melatonin and chamomile, and they will help you to fall asleep quickly, and to wake up feeling refreshed. Sounds like a dream to us! If you’re still struggling, take two gummies about thirty minutes before you get into bed, and watch the magic happen (or don’t, because you’ll be asleep).
BUY NOW – $30.00 for 1 pack.
7. Find Darkness
Of course, your environment also plays an important role. Even if you’re doing everything you can do – establishing a regular bedtime, exercising, and cutting back on caffeine – it can still be hard to fall asleep if your room isn’t ready. However, even with the best blackout curtains, there’s still only so much you can control. But with the Nod Pod Sleep Mask ($34.00) at your disposal, everything is within your control! Not only does this magical sleep mask block out all light, but it also uses deep-touch pressure across your pressure points to help you find calm. If nothing else works, this will.
BUY NOW – $34.00.
8. And Quiet
We’ve figured out light, but what about noise? Of course, in the same way you can’t control whether or not there’s light seeping under your door, you can’t control whether or not your neighbor throws a an epic rager every Friday night. But you can invest in a pair of QuietOn 3.1 Sleep Earbuds ($289,00), which are the only earplugs you’ll ever need. So comfortable you’ll forget you’re wearing them – and so small, you can wear them even if you’re a side sleeper – they last for twenty-eight hours, and require no Bluetooth connectivity. They’re not for music, just silence. And with the quiet oasis they provide, you’ll know you can rest easy.
BUY NOW – $289.00.
9. Or Some White Noise?
If total silence is not for you, then how about the Dohm Classic Sound Machine ($49.99)? It come in six colors, and oh yeah, it’s the original sound machine. So all others that have come since? This is the one they’re copying. There are two different speeds, and an adjustable tone.
BUY NOW – $49.99.
10. Wake Up Light
You’ve done all this work to sleep well, and now you want to make sure that waking up is just as easy. With Hatch’s Wake Up Light ($129.99), you’ll rise each morning to the glow of gradual sunlight, and the first sounds you’ll hear will be the soothing chirps of birds. This wonderful gadget also offers dreamscapes and guided rest exercises, making it the perfect secret weapon for curing your insomnia. You know you need one.

The best luxury 2024 products and tools for better sleep including sleep hygiene products and tech deep sleep gadgets.
BUY NOW – $129.99.
Best Luxury Products, Tech Tools and Gadgets for Better Deep Sleep
There you have it, 10 of the best luxury products and tools for better deep sleep hygiene that might help you fall asleep and stay asleep – no matter what’s keeping you awake. Good night, dear reader.