Friendships and close relationships with others are essential for long-term health and well-being. But they can be difficult for busy adults with work and family duties, not to mention the incessant buzz of a smartphone. Adult friendships, whether new or old, can go sideways under the pressure of everyday life. But perhaps that same smartphone that’s driven you to distraction can actually be the source of a solution for a rift in a friendship that’s really important to you. Yes, there’s an app for that. We’ve curated a list of the 10 best mediation apps to help heal a broken friendship, mend a platonic relationship and form new friend behaviors to avoid future problems and keep your bonds healthy and strong.
What are mediation apps? (not meditation – mediation)
Like many things in life, unless they’re nurtured and tended to, adult friendships can fall apart. No matter how much we love someone, sometimes there comes a point where we find ourselves fundamentally at odds with one another. Sometimes it’s over something specific. Other times, it’s a longer process. Where, in spite of ourselves, we grow and change in opposition to those we value most.
Either way, it hurts.

Best mediation apps to heal a broken friendship, mend a platonic relationship and help form new friend behaviors to avoid problems.
But conflict – though inevitable – does not have to mean catastrophe. Sometimes, all we need is the courage to look for shelter from the storm – the steadfastness to wait until our friendship finds sunny days once more. And if you don’t know where to look for that shelter, there are those who can help.
When you hear the word “mediation,” you may find yourself thinking of a courtroom – of legal battles, business disputes, or maybe even divorce. But all mediation means “intervention in a process or relationship” (thank you Google), and the next time you find yourself experiencing trouble in your platonic relationships, you should consider seeking the help of a mediator. Really.
After all, couples often attend counseling together; parents and children frequently go to therapy. Shouldn’t we treat our friendships – some of the most important relationships in our lives – with the same rigor and care? Though it may sometimes be appropriate to leave behind a friendship when it’s no longer serving us, there are many times when we can – and want – to save those relationships. We just don’t know how. Well, a mediator can help with that.

Best mediation apps to heal a broken friendship, mend a platonic relationship and help form new friend behaviors to avoid problems.
As long as the two of you have one thing in common – you want to stay friends – there’s no problem that can’t be fixed. And with the help of a mediator, you can find your way back to common ground, and leave your friendship stronger than ever before. We hope that mediation becomes a more common practice in platonic fallouts, and if you’re curious, here are ten places you can try.
The 10 best mediation apps for friendship problems and broken friend relationships
1. Mediation Mentor
Mediator Mentor offers mediation sessions both online and in-person. In these sessions, both you and your friend will have a chance to share your side of the story, and then the mediator will work to reframe what she heard from both sides – and to bring you back towards shared understanding, and a shared perspective on the problem at hand. Sessions range from $75 to $95 an hour, and though times may very – sometimes conflict can be solved in just a few minutes, while other times it may take several hours – the average session time is about forty-five minutes. Reach out to learn more.
2. BFF Mediation
CPR – which in this case stands for Creating Peaceful Relationships – Mediation Firm already knows that conflict is a part of friendship. Like they say on their website, “the closer you get to someone, the more likely you are to butt heads.” And that’s why they already offer mediation that is specifically designed for those insidious friendship problems we all face. Book a $50 phone consultation today to see if their services are right for you, or send a message with more information about your dilemma.

Best mediation apps to heal a broken friendship, mend a platonic relationship and help form new friend behaviors to avoid problems.
3. New York Center for Interpersonal Development
If you’re a New Yorker, did you know you are entitled to free mediation services through the New York Center for Interpersonal Development? Although their mediation services were conceived of for family units and other community disputes, they have a fierce and successful team who may also be able to help settle the strife in your other, equally-important relationships. Send an email to to learn more.
4. Interactive Support Incorporated
Interactive Support Incorporated specializes in Transformative Relationship Mediation. This is a no-blame approach to mediation, designed to help both people renegotiate the relationship rules in a way that does not put the onus of change on any one person. Their sessions are future-focused, with the idea that if both parties want to achieve a healthy, happy relationship, then such a thing should is possible. You can sign up for a free dispute diagnostic to find out if these sessions are a good match for your friendship troubles, and appointments are offered on the phone and via video conference.
5. Baltimore Therapy Center
Baltimore Therapy Center does what we wish every therapy center would do – they offer friendship therapy. As they say, you don’t need to be married to seek professional help with another party, and this is the perfect place to go when you have a friendship you want to save. Reach out today for a consultation, or better yet – as they suggest, forward their page to your friend. You can do this together. Rates begin at $120 an hour.
6. End Your Conflicts
Omar Battle founded the conflict-resolution firm End Your Conflicts in Maryland – but don’t worry, because they also offer virtual services. Their mediation follows a five-step process that includes active listening, information gathering, and working together towards a peaceful resolution. We love the way they lay out the specifics of the mediation process, so both parties can know exactly what to expect. Sessions range from $110/hour to $210/hour, plus a $35 administrative fee. Reach out today for more information.
7. The Mediation Center
Though the Mediation Center is based in North Carolina, they are now offering their spectacular services virtually – thanks, COVID-19! As well as relationship and family-focused mediation, they also extend their services to individual issues, and that means they may very well be able to help you and your friend with your dilemma. And best of all, their services are often free of charge – reach out to learn more.
8. Gogo Mediation
If you don’t feel like you can reach out to your friend to suggest mediation – maybe things are already feeling difficult – consider going through Gogo Mediation. Not only will Gogo match you with the right mediator for your situation, but they will do the hard work of reaching out to the other part. Though mediation is totally voluntary – so this may not be enough to encourage your friend’s attendance – it could help to get the ball rolling. Sessions begin at $250.
9. Mediator Connect
Still haven’t found the mediator you’re looking for? Try sending a message to Mediator Connect. Simply fill out their user-friendly intake form, and they will find the mediator who’s right for you and your friend. Mediation is still an under-utilized tool when it comes to solving friendship problems – though we hope it becomes a more popular approach, as people begin to realize how sacred and worth-saving their friendships are – and that means it’s important you find the right person. Mediator Connect will help match you with someone who’s a great fit.
10. Instant Mediations
And if you’re in a hurry – maybe these problems have been going on a long time, and feel like they can’t wait any longer – Instant Mediations will help you find a mediator right away. Their services are all offered over zoom, and you can start working towards your resolution as soon as possible.
best mediation apps for friendship problems and broken friend relationships
Those are some of the best mediation apps out there right now to help heal a broken friendship, mend a platonic relationship and form new behaviors to avoid friend problems in the future. Here’s to healthy and happy friendships – they take work sometimes, but they’re totally worth it. Good luck, dear reader.