Lots of us start a new year with every intention of improving our eating habits, focusing on nutrition and adopting new practices to ensure that we are healthier for the year 2023. Our round-up of the 5 top wellness trends in vitamins and supplements to know for 2023.
What are the Top Wellness Trends in Vitamins and Supplements to know for 2023?
While we keep waiting for things to settle down — whether it’s our job or family dynamics or the news cycle, or all of the above — at some point, we just have to face the facts. This is life and some chaos is simply inevitable. Luckily, there are no shortage of coping mechanisms and hacks to try to live a happier and healthier life. As our friends at McKinsey report, the consumer health and wellness business, which is a $1.5 trillion market, is expected to grow at 5 to 10 percent each year.

Top Wellness Trends in Vitamins and Supplements for 2023
One of the easiest ways to try and improve our well-being is through vitamins and supplements. We’re sophisticated enough to know that there’s no such thing as a magic pill but hey, we’ll take all the help we can to get through this thing called life. Ahead, we’ve rounded up 5 of the key supplements you’ll be seeing and hearing about in 2023.
5 Top Wellness Trends in Vitamins and Supplements to know for 2023
1. Animal organ supplements
Consuming desiccated beef liver or bovine collagen pills just doesn’t have the same feel-good sensibility to it as a sweet, chewable Vitamin C tablet. But in many cultures, organ meats or “offal” are highly prized as a nutrient-dense food source. They’re rich in Vitamin B, folate, iron, copper, and amino acids.
But the increased popularity of animal organ supplements can mostly be attributed to a shift in the way we view our metabolism. No longer something that’s fixed by genetics, there’s growing evidence that it can be influenced by gut health and preserving muscle mass. Bodybuilders and fitness gurus since Jack LaLanne’s time have long relied on organ supplements for energy and to reduce body fat. Intermittent fasters also rely on them as organ meats contain a peptide to reduce hunger and weight gain while balancing blood sugar.
If you’re intrigued, experts note to shop for supplements that contain organs from cows that are grass-fed as they contain more micronutrients than grain-fed cows.
BUY NOW: $43.20.
2. Melatonin
One in three adults do not get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Half of all Americans say they feel sleepy during the day three to seven days per week. Honestly, we’re surprised the number isn’t higher. In the past two decades, melatonin usage has grown by more than 500%, translating to six million people who have tried it. For the uninitiated, melatonin is a synthetic form of the hormone that regulates the body’s circadian rhythm and sleep patterns.
What’s new for 2023, is that you can get your melatonin not just in capsule form but in melatonin diffused products. Think gummies, powders, sprays, drinks, skin care and even vape pens. Many of these products claim that they work faster than going the traditional route. And in the nonalcoholic drink market, beverages with evocative names like iChill, RelaxZen and Dream, make it feel more like a ritual…perhaps the grown-up equivalent of drinking a warm glass of milk at night.
BUY NOW: $17.99.
3. Eye health
As modern life dictates more and more screen time (thanks Zoom!), a focus on improving eye health continues to be a growing segment of the nutraceutical market. Eyes are complex organs and Vitamins A, C, E, as well as all the B’s are thought to maintain their health. In 2023, there will be an increased awareness of lutein which is part of the carotenoid family. They can be found in the macula and retina where they help filter potentially harmful blue light, protecting the eyes from damage. In a randomized, controlled study of people with cataracts, those who took 15mg of lutein three times of week, experienced improvements in vision.
In addition, lutein may also help improve cognitive performance. Typically found in dark leafy greens like spinach and kale, as well as bell peppers and eggs (sounds like a delicious omelette), studies show that the nutrient can improve memory and learning efficiency.
BUY NOW: $22.71.
4. Cucumber extract
The relatively new cucumber-based extract is showing success in helping to decrease pain levels associated with osteoarthritis. Typically, glucosamine and chondroitin were the supplements of choice to help increase the cartilage and fluid around joints and to prevent their breakdown but they require a combo of four capsules daily to obtain a clinically relevant dose. Q-Actin, the aqueous extract of cucumber requires a substantially smaller dose.
Beyond the convenience and benefit to joint health, it also contains iminosugars which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that may support brain and cognitive health. Turns out this common garden vegetable is more than just a prop for spa scenes in the movies!
BUY NOW: $25.00.
5. Omega-3 fatty acids for brain health
The last few years have taken a toll. In the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, global prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by a massive 25%, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Young people and women were more severely impacted than any other demographic according to the same report. There is no easy solve as the problem is at the nexus of many political, sociological and economical issues of our time.
But we do have the agency to do what we can from exercise to eating right to educating ourselves on mental health. Because depression appears less common in cultures where people eat large amounts of fish, scientists have investigated whether fish oils may prevent and/or treat depression and other mood disorders. The result of their findings? Two omega-3 fatty acids — eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) — are thought to have the most potential to benefit people with mood disorders. Multiple sources have shown that omega-3 supplements (and not having to consume anchovies everyday) can help alleviate symptoms in people who have depression and anxiety. While not a cure-all by any means, in 2023, more people all be turning to supplements for mental health.
BUY NOW: $29.24.
5 best vitamins and supplements on trend to love this coming year 2023
Those are the 5 top wellness trends in vitamins and supplements to know for 2023. As always, check with your doctor to see how these five trending supplements might benefit your overall wellbeing. Here’s to a happy and healthy new year!