Wondering what to listen to this month? What’s the best playlist for the month of February this year? Dear reader, we think that with Valentine’s Day right around the corner, love is in the air. So our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has created the perfect music playlist – with lots of love songs – for the month of February 2020. Listen to it here.
What’s the best playlist for the month of February this year?
For readers of a certain age, there’s no forgetting the feeling of receiving a curated mix-tape from a crush. The shy hand-off by your locker on the way to class. The handwritten titles showing through the plastic window revealing clues of their feelings. But nothing compared to that first listen, when every lyric of every song seemed like a message just for you.
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As we got older, other things could replicate that warm and fuzzy feeling. But, in our heart of hearts, a timeless love song is still the ultimate mood-booster. And besides, what else do you belt out in the shower when no one is around?

What to listen to in February 2020. Courtesy Photo.
Our February playlist is an unapologetic tribute to the power of a dreamy love song. Among the over-the-top guilty pleasures (we’re looking at you, Mr. Big), we’re loving uptempo classics from the greats: Aretha, Etta and Frank. Sultry R&B hits and 80’s pop. And showstoppers from our modern day divas – Adele, Beyonce and Rihanna. They’re all here crooning their hearts out. We dare you not to fall in love with love.

The best love song music playlist for February 2020.
the perfect playlist of music for February
Here is our February playlist. Perfect music for when you need to get into that right mood.
Let the love songs play
That’s it! Our top picks for the best love song playlist to listen to in the month of February 2020 (or really anytime). Did we miss any of your favorites?
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Crediting her training as a cultural anthropologist at Wellesley College, Julie has immersed herself in various industries in the last 15 years including fashion design, event planning, fitness and even investigating police misconduct. Julie lives in NYC where she loves trying every ramen and dumpling restaurant with her husband and three children. She finds joy in bold prints, biographies of fierce women, kickboxing and spending way too long finding the perfect polish color to express her mood.