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It’s graduation season, meaning that its likely that someone in your life is concluding one chapter of their journey and embarking on a new one. Perhaps that person is you. Which is an exciting and terrifying moment for most students, whether they’re graduating from high school, college or graduate school. Our philosophy at a time like this is simple: there’s nothing like the right book to ease a major life transition! A novel or advice book is a perfect gift at a time like this (even if the gift is for yourself). Our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has curated a list of 10 of the best advice books and novels for recent graduates to read right now, with the perfect book for a high school or college graduation gift for someone special in your life. Or for you, graduate.

what are the best novels and advice books for a new graduate to read?

Congratulations, you’ve graduated! Welcome to the real world. We know, we know. You’re probably feeling a lot of emotions right now. Pride and excitement, absolutely, but also – fear. That’s normal.

Best advice books and novels for recent graduates to read, perfect for what to give as a graduation day gift for high school or college.

Best advice books and novels for recent graduates to read, perfect for what to give as a graduation day gift for high school or college.

Entering adulthood is an indescribably huge transition, and even in the best of circumstances, it can feel overwhelming. The good news is, you don’t have to do it alone.


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If you’re a recent grad feeling totally at a loss about what to do with, well, the rest of your life, we are here to offer you some advice. Actually, ten books full of them. Whether you’re worried about career, relationships, mental health, or anything in between, these guides will make sure you follow the right path into the future.

Best advice books and novels for recent graduates to read, perfect for what to give as a graduation day gift for high school or college.

Best advice books and novels for recent graduates to read, perfect for what to give as a graduation day gift for high school or college.

Though it’s true that you can never be completely prepared for what life may throw your way, it turns out that the right advice – and the right people, and mindset, and plan – can help you to handle whatever happens.

Here are some of the best advice books and novels for recent graduates to read that are perfect solutions for what to give as a graduation day gift for a high school or a college graduate. Or for you to read yourself, dear graduate.

10 best advice books and novels for a new graduate to read right now

1. What’s Next? By Elana Lyn Gross

Best advice books and novels for recent graduates to read, perfect for what to give as a graduation day gift for high school or college.

Best advice books and novels for recent graduates to read, perfect for what to give as a graduation day gift for high school or college.

If you already know what you want to do after college, that’s great. But if not, there’s no need to panic. Gross’s book is here to help. Designed specifically for recent grads, What’s Next? will walk you through the process of putting together a five-year plan. The great thing about a five-year plan is that it will help you to focus – no need to worry about the rest of your life; only the immediate future. By setting some specific, short-term goals, you can live in the moment and feel confident that you’re on the right track.


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2. Clever Girl Finance: Ditch Debt, Save Money, and Build Real Wealth by Bola Sokunbi

advice novels and books for postgrads

The best advice novels and books for postgrad to read after graduation: Clever Girl Finance. Courtesy Photo.

Sokunbi is the founder of the personal finance platform Clever Girl Finance. Designed to be accessible and maybe even fun, Clever Girl Finance is the site you need in order to get a handle on your finances. And as well as offering a podcast and free courses, Sokunbi also compiles her expert advice into this fantastic book. We know that finances can seem opaque and intimidating, but with this book in hand, they don’t have to be. Make this read a priority.

3. Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

advice novels and books for postgrads

The best advice novels and books for postgrad to read after graduation: Designing Your Life. Courtesy Photo.

While you’re in the process of figuring out the kind of person you want to be, Designing Your Life would make a fantastic companion. Authors Burnett and Evans will teach you about design thinking – that is, the thought processes that go into creating the objects and environments we interact with on a daily basis. What you may not have realized is that this extraordinary thinking can be applied to your everyday life – and this book will show you how. This is one of those books you should read now, because if you don’t, you will come across it in twenty years, and wonder why nobody told you about it sooner. Well, we’re telling you. If you feel lost, this book will help you to find your way.

4. Successful Women Think Differently: 9 Habits to Make You Happier, Healthier, and More Resilient by Valorie Burton

advice novels and books for postgrads

The best advice novels and books for postgrad to read after graduation: Successful Women Think Differently. Courtesy Photo.

We’re going to tell you a secret. The people who find the most success in life? They have a completely different way of thinking than the rest of the world does. Really. It’s evident in the way they make choices, recover from failures, and set goals. And maybe you already think that way (if so, congrats), but if not, Burton is here to show you that you can. Her guide comes with nine habits you can weave into your life right now, to help set you up for success. Even if you don’t yet know what you want to do with your life, you can start with these – they’ll make sure you’re in great shape for whatever’s next.


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5. Brave Not Perfect by Reshma Saujani

advice novels and books for postgrads

The best advice novels and books for postgrad to read after graduation: Brave Not Perfect. Courtesy Photo.

There is often a lot of pressure put on new graduates.  You’re an adult now, and so of course, you want to do everything right. You want to be perfect. But… maybe perfection is not always as good – as perfect – as it seems. In Saujani’s brilliant and heartfelt book, she teaches you that it’s bravery, not perfection, that will lead you towards living the happiest possible life. This is a lesson worth learning at any age, but if you can learn it at 22? Even better.

6. Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual by Luvvie Ajayi Jones

The best advice novels and books for postgrad to read after graduation: Professional Troublemaker. Courtesy Photo.

Fear is among the biggest obstacles most of us face in our lives. Jones is well-acquainted with this particular monster, and in her warm, funny book, she shares her own way through. As she says, the goal is not to be fearless, but to continue onward – no matter what. As a young graduate who is likely feeling some of these shaky emotions right this minute, you’re definitely going to want this book in your back pocket.

7. Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? By Julie Smith

The best advice novels and books for postgrad to read after graduation: Why Has No One Told Me This Before? Courtesy Photo.

Mental health is always hard to maintain, and even more so in these trying times. In this incredible book, Smith shares the wisdom she’s learned in her career as a clinical psychologist, teaching the reader to manage everything from anxiety and depression, to criticism and self-esteem. The truth is, it’s almost impossible to figure out anything else until you’ve figured out your mental health. This is a fantastic place to start.


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8. Create Your Own Calm: A Journal For Quieting Your Anxiety by Meera Lee Patel

The best advice novels and books for postgrad to read after graduation: Create Your Own Calm. Courtesy Photo.

Author and artist Patel has created a tool that every person should have. A journal, for helping you to manage your everyday anxieties. The next time you are feeling overwhelmed, open up this beautiful book and write your way through some of the prompts – they are designed to help you introspect, and unpack the stressed thoughts inside your head. And hopefully – definitely – feel a little lighter when you’re done.

9. Find Your People: Building Deep Community in a Lonely World by Jennie Allen

The world can be a big and lonely place, especially in this age in isolation. And as a recent graduate, you may be used to a life where your best friends live a few doors down the hall of your dorm. In the real world, it can be harder to find connection. And yet, it’s perhaps the single most significant building block of a happy life. Allen will teach you how to find the right people, how to befriend them, and how to make sure those friendships are deep and authentic. Life is always easier with the support of people you love – trust us.

10. Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself by Nedra Glover Tawwab

Healthy relationships can be hard to foster. Whether they’re with friends, family, or romantic partners, it can be difficult to form connections that are fulfilling rather than frustrating. Well, Tawwab is here to help. In her bestselling book, she teaches the reader all about boundaries. And, most importantly, how to set the ones that are right for you. Using cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, she’ll give you the tools you need to speak up for yourself and your needs, no matter what.

The 10 best advice books and novels for a new graduate to read

Those are our suggestions for some of the best advice books and novels for recent graduates to read right now, perfect solutions for what to give as a graduation day gift for a high school or college graduate. Happy Graduation Day!

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Abbie Martin Greenbaum grew up in New York City and currently lives in Brooklyn, where she drinks a lot of coffee and matches roommates together for a living. At Oberlin College, she studied English and Cinema, which are still two of her favorite things, along with dessert and musical theater. She believes in magic.

Abbie Martin Greenbaum

Abbie Martin Greenbaum is a writer, reader, and pop culture connoisseur, who loves storytelling, coffee, and dessert. Her work has also appeared in Playbill.