There’s nothing wrong with looking to the stars for hope and insight – especially at a time like this! So, what does astrology have to say about romance and love predictions for 2022 as Valentine’s Day approaches? Expert astrologer Remy Ramirez previews what to expect in the new year with her romance and love horoscopes for 2022 for every sign of the zodiac.
romance and love horoscope for 2022 for every sign of the zodiac
Welcome to 2022! Time to wave goodbye to 2021 and watch it recede in the rearview mirror. Along with its set of three squares between traditional Saturn and unconventional Uranus that set a bit of a tense tone.

Learn what to expect in the new year with expert astrologer annual romance and love horoscopes for 2022 for every sign of the zodiac.
The good news is that in 2022, we’re looking ahead to a more relaxed new year.
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what to expect in love and romance in 2022 for each sign of the zodiac
love horoscope 2022: Aries
winter and spring
If you’re coupled up, January will likely feel off for you in the love department, Aries. Venus, your planetary ruler of marriage and partnership, will retrograde through the 29th, which could cause conflicts and misunderstandings with your S.O.
If you’re single, this transit might bring exes back from the past—proceed with caution. Not to worry though. Right around the corner are several stellar days. Mark February 16th, and March 3rd-10th. On all of these days, Venus will rendezvous with sexy, exciting Mars, making sparks fly. And on March 3rd, that’s even more the case when intense, powerful Pluto—planetary ruler over your house of sexuality—gets in on the conjunction.
summer and fall
Speaking of which, on May 16th and October 25th, your house of sexuality will be lit up with passionate eclipses in Scorpio. Revealing secrets and creating sexual tension. If you’re looking for love or wanting to take your relationship to the next level, keep an eye on the summertime. From July 22 – September 5, your two most important planets for love, Venus and the Sun, will be navigating your house of romance and true love. Take a romantic vacay with your partner or make a point to get back into the dating scene.
Put a gold star on October 22nd, when Venus and the Sun will be conjunct in your house of marriage and partnership. Whether you’re already committed or looking to be, this day couldn’t be any better for love, Aries.

Learn what to expect in the new year with expert astrologer annual romance and love horoscopes for 2022 for every sign of the zodiac.
love horoscope 2022: Taurus
One thing to have on your radar this year is that the South Node has moved into your house of partnerships, Taurus. This might have several effects. Including partnering with people from your past. Working through past issues with your partner. Being physically separated from your partner (for example, due to travel, long nights at work, etc.), potential separations, or breakups.
This house applies to all partnerships—not just romantic ones. But it’s worth noting, so that if you do start to feel changes with your partner, you have some astrological resources to work with.
winter and spring
That said, there are lots of exciting dates for you in the romance department this year. Mark March 3rd on your cal. On this day, cosmic lovers Venus and Mars meet up in the sky with intense, devoted Pluto—your planetary ruler of marriage and partnership. If you’re already coupled up, this is a beautiful day to create connection and intimacy with your partner. If you’re looking for love, connections made on or around this day will be imbued with astrological blessings.
May 10th brings two major shifts for you. On that day, Mercury, planetary ruler over your house of romance and true love, will begin a retrograde journey that continues till June 2nd. This could create communication breakdowns within your relationship or bring you back to the exes who got away (for better or worse).
Also on that day, Jupiter, planetary ruler over your house of sexuality, moves into passionate, exciting Aries, where it will stay till October 28th and return again on December 20th through the end of the year. This is bringing heat between the sheets, so get ready.
summer and fall
From August 4th – 25th, Mercury will navigate your house of romance and true passions. It’s the perfect time to take your partner on a romantic vacay or, if you’re single, swipe right and set up some meet cutes of your own. On May 16th and October 25th, Scorpio eclipses will light up your house of marriage and partnership, revealing secrets and bringing surprises. These moons are surrounded by pleasant, supportive astrology, so mark these days on your cal if you’re looking for a long-term relationship or want to stoke the flames with your S.O.
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love horoscope 2022: Gemini
winter and spring
January could have you feeling a little off in the love department, Gemini. Till the 29th, Venus, your planetary ruler of true love and romance, will retrograde, potentially causing conflicts with your S.O., bringing issues with your exes back to the forefront, or asking you to review past relationships.
That’s the tough January news, but there’s good new, too. Jupiter, your planetary ruler over marriage and partnership, will be nestled up in Pisces from the start of the year till May 10th, and again from October 28th till December 20th. Pisces is tender and affectionate— the sign of unconditional love, and because Jupiter was its original planetary ruler, it feels right at home there.
Whether you’re looking for love or looking to deepen your love, this placement is absolutely gorgeous. For single folks, make the most of this astrology by putting yourself out there while Jupiter is in Pisces. Mark February 16th, and March 3rd-6th on your cal.
On all of these days, Venus will rendezvous with sexy, exciting Mars in your house of sexuality, making sparks fly, and on March 6th, that’s even more the case when intense, sexy Pluto gets in on the conjunction. While you’re at it, mark April 12th on your cal, too. On this day, compassionate Neptune conjuncts Jupiter in Pisces. This is very sweet energy, full of affection and tenderness.
summer and fall
You may feel a lull in your libido when lustful Mars retrogrades in Gemini from October 3rd through December 31st. But the good news is that from September 29th – October 23rd, Venus will luxuriate in your house of true love and romance in Libra, Venus’ astrological home. Take your partner on a weekend getaway or meet up with that cutie you’ve been crushing on, especially on October 22nd’s Venus Star Point. This is a gold star day, designed to help you understand the power of love in your day-to-day life.

Learn what to expect in the new year with expert astrologer annual romance and love horoscopes for 2022 for every sign of the zodiac.
love horoscope 2022: Cancer
If you feel a little off in the love department as we kick off 2022, there’s a reason for that. Venus, planet of love and romance, is retrograde in your house of marriage and partnerships till January 29th. This could cause conflicts with your partner, bring exes back into your life, or have you looking over past relationships. If you’re single, this is not the best time to get involved, so take things slow with any suitors.
The good news is that better days are right around the corner. On February 16th, and then again from March 3rd-6th, cosmic lovers Venus and Mars meet up in your house of marriage and partnerships, and on the 6th, they’re joined by intense, devoted Pluto. This is a powerful union.
If you’re in a relationship, make these days count by scheduling one-on-one time with your S.O. If you’re single, mark these days on your cal as some of the best of the year for putting yourself out there.
As an added bonus, from March 6th-10th, Venus and Mars will bring their meet cute into your house of sexuality, making the vibes extra sexy. Two Scorpio eclipses—on May 16th and October 25th—will be extra juicy for you this year. Each will fall into your house of romance and true love, revealing secrets or bringing fun surprises into the mix.

Learn what to expect in the new year with expert astrologer annual romance and love horoscopes for 2022 for every sign of the zodiac.
love horoscope 2022: Leo
Good news, Leo! Jupiter, your planetary ruler of true love and romance, will be in your house of sexuality from January through May 10th, and then again from October 28th till December 20th. Merging the energies of passion and romance is the dream, so make the most of this gorgeous astrology by booking getaways with your partner or lining up dates with new, interesting people.
Star March 6th -10th on your cal—on these days, cosmic lovers Venus and Mars will meet up in your house of marriage and partnerships.
If you want to deepen your relationship with your S.O. or connect with someone who’s looking to get serious, these are very powerful days. April 12th, when Neptune will conjunct Jupiter, is another stellar day for you. Neptune rules your sexuality sector and Jupiter oversees true love and romance in your chart. This communion is playful, uplifting, and passionate—the perfect day for a romantic getaway or date with whomever you’ve had your eye on.
From May 10th to October 28th and again from December 20th through the end of the year, Jupiter will scoot over into exciting, direct Aries. This is fun, fast-moving energy, so don’t be surprised if you see an uptick in dates you’re going on or the pace your relationship is moving.

Learn what to expect in the new year with expert astrologer annual romance and love horoscopes for 2022 for every sign of the zodiac.
love horoscope 2022: Virgo
winter and spring
Feeling weird about love, Virgo? That checks out since Venus, planet of romance, is retrograde in your house of true love till January 29th. This could cause conflicts with your S.O., bring exes into your inbox, or cause you to look back on what might have been with people from your past. It’s not the best news, but there’s a bright side.
From January 4th – March 6th, Mars, the planetary ruler of your sexuality sector, will navigate your house of true love, helping you out of the January funk and bringing passion to all your romance endeavors.
More good news—from January till May 10th, Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion, will be in your house of marriage and partnerships. If you’re looking to get serious with someone or to explore new horizons with your partner, this astrology will help you get there. Mark February 16th and March 3rd – 6th on your cal. During these days, cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, will meet up, bringing romance and passion to your house of marriage and partnerships (where Jupiter will already be in attendance to aid in all your romantic endeavors).
It gets better—on April 12th, Neptune, planetary ruler of your partnership sector—meets up with fortune-bearing Jupiter in your house of marriage and partnerships—a double whammy! If you’re looking to settle down or go deeper with the one you love, star this day.
summer and fall
From May 10th to October 28th, and again from December 20th to the end of the year, Jupiter will move into your house of sexuality, fanning flames between the sheets and giving you plenty of space to experiment in the bedroom.
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love horoscope 2022: Libra
winter and spring
Bored between the sheets, Libra? It’s no surprise. From the start of the new year till January 29th, Venus, planetary ruler of your sexuality sector, is retrograde, creating lulls, delays, or the reemergence of past bedroom buddies (for better or worse). It’s kind of a drag, but beautiful astrology is just around the corner.
Star February 16th and March 3rd -10th on your cal. On these days, Venus—your planetary ruler of sexuality, and Mars—your planetary ruler of marriage and partnerships, will join each other in the cosmos. Even better—the last leg of that transit, from the 6th-10th, will be in your house of true love. These days are a dream for romance, so plan a getaway with your S.O. or mask up and get out on the town to meet new people.
summer and fall
From May 10th – October 28th, and again from December 20th to the end of the year, lucky, expansive Jupiter will be in your house of marriage and partnerships, bringing its abundance to your long–term relationships.
Whether you’re coupled up and looking to go deeper in your connection, or hoping to meet someone special, this is excellent astrology. On July 31st, Uranus, your planetary ruler of true love, will conjunct the North Node of Destiny in your house of sexuality. This is an ultra romantic day, so plan accordingly.
And while you’re at it, add October 22nd to that list. Better known as Venus’ Star Point, this day unites the Sun with Venus in your sign. It’s practically custom made for you, Libra, and will help you understand the power of love in your day-to-day life.

Learn what to expect in the new year with expert astrologer annual romance and love horoscopes for 2022 for every sign of the zodiac.
love horoscope 2022: Scorpio
winter and spring
Love vibes not on point, Scorpio? There’s a reason for that. From the beginning of the year through January 29th, Venus, your planetary ruler of marriage and partnership, is retrograde in Capricorn. If you’re coupled up, this could cause conflicts and misunderstandings with your S.O. If you’re single, this transit might bring exes back from the past—proceed with caution.
The good news is that January has some other tricks up its sleeve. From the start of 2022 through May 10th, and then again from October 28th – December 20th, Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion, is in your house of true love. Jupiter brings abundance and opportunity wherever she goes, so expect good things.
Mark February 16th and March 3rd – 10th on your cal, when your planetary overseer of partnering up, Venus, joins sexy, action-oriented Mars for a rendezvous in the stars. Venus and Mars are already known for being the cosmos’ lovers, so enjoy one-on-one time with the one you love during these days, or, if you’re single, get yourself out there to meet new, interesting people also looking to date.
While you have your cal out, star April 12th as well. On this day, bountiful Jupiter will meet up with Neptune, your planetary ruler of true love and romance, in your house of true love and romance—a double whammy! Plan a date night, draw a bubble bath for you and your partner, or make a move on that cutie you’ve been crushing on.
summer and fall
Don’t be surprised if your libido takes a hit from May 10th – June 3rd when Mercury, the planetary ruler of your sexuality sector, retrogrades through your house of sexuality—another double whammy, but not as fun as the first one.
Not to worry, by fall you’re back in the game when Venus, your marriage and partnership ruler, conjuncts the Sun on October 22nd in what’s called Venus’ Star Point, a beautiful aspect designed to help you feel the power of love in your everyday life.

Learn what to expect in the new year with expert astrologer annual romance and love horoscopes for 2022 for every sign of the zodiac.
love horoscope 2022: Sagittarius
winter and spring
Let’s kick off with some stellar days for romance, Sagittarius! On February 16th and March 3rd – 10th, Mars—your planetary ruler of true love and romance—will join affectionate Venus for a cosmic meet cute. Mars and Venus are already known as cosmic lovers, so the vibes are especially romantic—plan accordingly with a romantic getaway with your partner or by masking up, getting out, and meeting some new cuties.
summer and fall
From May 10 – October 28th, and again from December 20th through the end of the year, Jupiter, planet of luck and abundance, will move into your house of true love and romance. Jupiter increases whatever she touches, but she can’t do all the work herself. Boost your odds of getting in on the magic by carving out time for romance, and see what gifts the cosmos bring.
To help you move things along, you’ll get two eclipses in Scorpio during these dates—one on May 16th, and the other on October 25th.
Because the moon rules your sexuality sector, these eclipses are super powerful for making sparks fly between the sheets. Problems with your partner might pop up between October 3rd and December 31st when Mars, ruler of your true love sector, retrogrades through your house of partnerships.
If you’re single, this could bring exes back into the mix, for better or worse. Amidst the tumult, there is a gold star day. Mark October 22nd on your cal; this is called Venus’ Star Point, and it happens when the Sun conjuncts the planet of sweetness, Venus, reminding us of the power of love in our everyday lives. Since this will be happening in Libra, it will sextile your sign, sweet Sag, and bring all its gifts of affection along with it.

Learn what to expect in the new year with expert astrologer annual romance and love horoscopes for 2022 for every sign of the zodiac.
love horoscope 2022: Capricorn
winter and spring
If you’ve been feeling weird about love, Cap, there’s a good reason. From the start of the year till the 29th of January, your planetary ruler of true love and romance will be retrograde in Capricorn. This is a tough period. Feelings over exes might come back up, exes themselves may resurface, or issues with your partner could create conflict.
The good news is that fresh energy is close by. On February 16th and March 3rd – 10th, Venus and Mars join forces with an ongoing conjunction. Not only are these planets known as the cosmic lovers, but Venus is your planetary ruler of true love, so these days are extra powerful for you. If you’re in a relationship, set aside some one-on-one time to deepen your connection with a vacay or intimate night in. If you’re looking for love, these are excellent dates to meet up with someone new and exciting.
summer and fall
Star May 16th and October 25th on your calendar as well, Cap, because the Scorpio eclipses on these days are revealing secrets and bringing beautiful surprises. The moon rules your partnership sector, so these eclipses will likely have a big impact on your relationship with your S.O., your relationship to someone who might become your S.O., or with your relationship to the idea of partnership in your life.
On October 22nd, Venus brings you more gifts when it conjuncts the Sun in what’s called Venus’ Star Point. This aspect is meant to reveal the beauty that love brings us in our daily lives, and with Venus ruling your true love sector, it will have a little extra love to send your way.
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love horoscope 2022: Aquarius
winter and spring
Fun fact, Aquarius. Fast-paced Mercury rules both your true love and sexuality sectors, which means you have lots going on in the love department this year. You start off on January 8th with Venus’ Star Point in committed Capricorn. This aspect happens when Venus, planet of love, conjuncts the Sun, who happens to be your planetary ruler of partnership. Therefore, making this day even more powerful for you. This is true especially if you’re looking for commitment or wanting to deepen the one you already have.
There are three Mercury retrograde periods this year, which will likely be times when you’re feeling off with your partner or looking back on past relationships (for better or worse). Mark those days—January 14th – February 3rd, May 10th – June 3rd (this one is happening in your house of true love and romance, so it may bring especially complicated issues), and September 9th – October 2nd.
But not to worry! There are many beautiful days this year for your messenger of love, Mercury. Here are the ones to highlight—make the most of them by getting out and meeting new prospects or planning exciting getaways with your partner. April 2nd, your planetary ruler of partnership, the Sun, conjuncts Mercury for a double whammy in the romance department. April 17th, Mercury sextiles Venus, planet of love. In May, Mercury moves into your house of true love, and sextiles romantic Venus on the 6th and then lucky Jupiter on June 20th.
summer and fall
On July 23rd, now in your house of partnership, Mercury will trine fortune-bearing Jupiter once again, and on September 26th, will conjunct affectionate Venus in your house of sexuality. Speaking of sexuality, you might feel a lull starting on October 3rd when Mars, planet of sexuality and desire, retrogrades in your house of romance.
But on October 29th, just as Mars is doing an about-face, Mercury is back to save the day with a conjunction to cosmic lover Venus, helping you end the year on a very sweet note.

Learn what to expect in the new year with expert astrologer annual romance and love horoscopes for 2022 for every sign of the zodiac.
love horoscope 2022: Pisces
winter and spring
If you’ve been feeling like things aren’t clicking between the sheets, there’s a reason, Pisces. From the beginning of the year through January 29th, Venus, ruler over your sexuality sector, will retrograde, causing mix-ups, delays, and even boredom in the bedroom. You might also get back in contact with past bed buddies or find yourself obsessing over exes. That’s the bad news.
The good news is that better days are just around the corner. On February 16th, Venus—now direct and back in action—will meet up with her cosmic lover, Mars, for an astrological meet cute. The two planets will rendezvous again from March 3rd-10th, giving you plenty of time for a meet cute of your own, or to plan a romantic getaway with your partner.
summer and fall
If you’re committed or looking to be committed, you could find that the road is rocky this spring. From May 10th to June 3rd, Mercury, ruler of your marriage and partnership sector, will retrograde, causing communication meltdowns, lags, and upsets.
Mark May 16th and October 25th on your cal. On these days, Scorpio eclipses will bring surprises and reveal secrets. The Moon rules your house of true love, so these secrets and surprises could be very romantic.
The year rounds out with an especially sexy day on October 22nd, when Venus conjuncts the Sun in Libra in what’s known as Venus’ Star Point—an excellent day for loving connections. Since Venus rules your sexuality sector and Libra is your house of sexuality, get ready for sparks to fly.
what to expect in love and romance in 2022 for each sign of the zodiac
That’s what to expect this year in love and romance based on your zodiac sign and horoscope. Happy Valentine’s Day!
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Remy Ramirez is an astrologer, poet, essayist, pop-culture journalist, and editor. She has served as the resident astrologer for Nasty Gal, Dolls Kill, and Stitch Fix, her poems have been featured in The Southern Review and The Miscreant, her essays in Marie Claire and Cherry Bombe Mag, and her celebrity interviews in NYLON, BUST, and Tidal (where she is currently the executive editor). She lives in Sedona, AZ because the thrifting is good and so is the karaoke.