After a long Saturday morning ramble through the West Village in New York City this weekend, we found ourselves in dire need of a hot beverage. (That would be because the “feels like” temperature in Manhattan that day was -6 degrees Fahrenheit). As we arrived at our destination – a friend’s elegant townhouse – we were offered our choice of warm-up drinks: coffee, tea, hot chocolate – or MUD/WTR. Huh? What is MUD/WTR (aka “mud water,”) why is it on trend and so popular right now, what are its health benefits, what does it taste like, and which brands of coffee alternatives are the best to try now? We had lots of questions – and we’re sharing answers.
everything you need to know about the new coffee (and hot chocolate) alternatives
Here’s what to know about the new generation of healthy hot beverages, also billed as coffee alternatives, just in time for the midwinter sprint toward spring.
As we shed our mammoth puffer jacket and settled in that frigid morning, our friend explained that she had discovered a new healthy way to warm up on a cold winter day. A new drink with adaptogens and other healthy elements that tasted like a slightly less spicy version of chai – especially when you add a splash of milk. The brand she had in her kitchen cabinet is called MUD\WTR (pronounced “mud water”). And unbeknown to us, it has been blowing up all over social media for at least a year.
In the interest of research, we happily accepted a mug. And dear reader, it was delicious.

Everything you need to know about the coffee alternative mud water, including what it tastes like.
What is MUD/WTR?
MUD/WTR is a powder supplement that’s marketed as a coffee alternative. What’s actually in it? The short reply is organic cacao, herbs and adaptogens. The actual ingredient list of various mud water or “mushroom coffee” brands is surprisingly rather long: black tea, cardamom, nutmeg, cloves, ginger, black pepper, Himalayan pink salt, cinnamon, cacao, turmeric. And a blend of mushrooms like lion’s mane, cordyceps, chaga and reishi.
The most popular brand of mud water is the O.G.: MUD/WTR. It comes in a canister, and what’s inside looks a lot like something you already have in your spice cabinet: a light brown powder with a faintly pleasant aroma of chocolate, cloves and cinnamon.
The MUD/WTR brand says that each serving containing one-seventh the amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee – in theory, at least, the ideal amount to give you an energy lift without the jitters and stomach upset that your morning coffee may induce.
Why is MUD/WTR so popular and on trend right now?
MUD/WTR has gone viral mostly because it promises to solve an ongoing problem for the Type-A hustlers out there: how to stop drinking so much coffee, but still get a hit of caffeine when needed. For people who are particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine, in particular, the daily cup of Joe can be the catalyst for an anxiety attack.
Of course, there’s always decaf. But have you ever had a cup of decaffeinated coffee that actually tasted good and was emotionally satisfying? Nope, us neither.
Enter a new category in the beverage aisle: coffee alternatives, especially mushroom coffee and MUD/WTR. Meant to be less harsh and acidic than coffee, these new beverages also promise additives that support better health, like adaptogens. The goal is a smoother release of energy-boosting caffeine, with no “crash” an hour or so later.
What are the health benefits of MUD/WTR and other coffee alternatives?
Of course you should consult your physician or nutritionist if you want a truly informed take on whether there are actual health benefits from these coffee alternatives.
But the press reports and interviews with nutritionists indicate that the combination of herbs and adaptogens may be helpful in keeping us alert. Some people report that it improves digestion, reduces inflammation and even fosters weight loss.
We can’t vouch for any of those – but we can report that putting all of the potential health benefits aside, this is just a very pleasant way to ingest some caffeine at times when you don’t need (or want) a full-test cup of Joe.
What does MUD/WTR taste like?
Our first cup of MUD/WTR was made with boiling water and little milk (not the cream that comes along with the “mud” when you order a delivery of MUD/WTR). It tasted like a combination of many of our favorite hot beverages: a little chocolate, a little winter spice, a hint of tea flavor, and a little kick of ginger. Quite tasty, actually. If you like chai, you’ll enjoy this.
Some reviewers report that they only enjoyed it when they added some kind of sweetener, like maple syrup. That wasn’t our experience, but then again we don’t put sweetener in our coffee, either. The main point is that you can make it taste differently by experimenting with different sweeteners, or dairy or nut milks. Happily, there are now also numerous recipes online to help you take your MUD/WTR experience to the next level. Think eggnog, smoothies and even pudding.
Which brands of coffee alternatives are the best to try?
The original mud water brand, MUD/WTR, was launched in 2018 by founder Shane Heath. It’s available exclusively online through the brand’s website or on Amazon. And if you like it, you can opt for a monthly, 30-serving subscription.
When preparing it, you can keep it simple, and just add boiling water. Or you can add the brand’s creamer, or your own favorite milk. In our initial taste test, the resulting drink was fragrant, soothing and mildly stimulating – just as promised.
We would absolutely drink this on a weekend morning, or a vacation morning, or anytime we want/need caffeine to get moving, but don’t need to be at a stage of peak alertness.
Other brands you might want to sample include Sunwink’s Cacao Maca Clarity, a powder supplement containing “mushroom powder, lions mane, maca powder, reishi mushroom extract, cacao powder, and a touch of cinnamon.”
beyond brew
Beyond Brew wins kudos for being a more affordable alternative to MUD/WTR that has many of the same ingredients and flavor profile.
essential facts about the taste and health benefits of mud water
Those are some of the basic and essential facts that you should know about mud water, mushroom coffee and other coffee alternatives. Including what MUD/WTR actually is, what it tastes like and whether there are proven health benefits from drinking it regularly. It’s a brave new world of supplements and morning routines – we say experiment wisely and you may discover something new to add to your pantry and your Monday mornings.