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New month, new music! As the world opens up this April, and the After Times seem to be approaching with their promise of a fresh start, there’s no excuse, people. Spring cleaning awaits. We’ve created the perfect music playlist of what to listen to in April, and the theme is what to listen to when you need energizing songs and music to motivate you for spring cleaning. To get your Marie Kondo on, just press play here. Get ready dust bunnies. We’re coming for you . . .

Energizing songs to motivate April spring house cleaning

Spring cleaning is taking on new meaning and urgency this year. Many of us spent a great deal more time in our homes in the past year than we ever expected to. Now that we may soon be free to roam the world, this is our chance to freshen up for the spring season.

Our mission? Leaving a clean campsite before we hit the road! It just seems like the prudent thing to do.

the best music playlist for the month of April

What is the best music playlist for April?

There is so much to do. And no time like the present.

News reports say that we’re all itching to travel, having been penned inside for so long. No one wants to return from a splendid spring vacation to find a dingy and dusty home, right?

the best music playlist for spring cleaning

Our picks for the best music playlist for spring cleaning this year.

April is also the perfect time to declutter from the Great Lockdown(s). This is a good moment to take out all the canned goods and paper products that you may have been hoarding. Uncover the apparel in your wardrobe that has a waistband. Remember shoes? Time to polish ’em up.

And if you’re reading this already dressed in an old, comfy t-shirt and leggings. The perfect cleaning and organizing outfit- why not just go ahead and start now?

best energizing songs playlist to motivate April spring house cleaning this year

What to listen to in April for spring house cleaning.

We’ve got the perfect April Spring Cleaning Playlist to not only motivate you to grab that sponge but to sustain your efforts for a 2.5-hour purging, tidying, and scrubbing stint. Dance and R&B hits that get you in a groove; guilty pleasures to sing your heart out to; and some hard-hitting rock to release all that pent-up energy.

When the music stops, you can too, dear reader.

The perfect songs for April spring house cleaning

Here’s our curated list of perfect tunes for April – a playlist for spring cleaning, decluttering, and starting fresh.

Press play and whistle while you work!

Keep calm and clean on

That’s it! Our top picks for what to listen to in April (or anytime) when house cleaning is required. Did we miss any of your favorite cool cleaning-up-the-house-for-spring tunes?